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Ciel's P.O.V

     Alois finally got through everyone, and I was all warmed up and stretched out, he stood at the front again. "Alright everyone, it's time to start with basic movies. You can follow along at first." he starts, before doing something called the '2 step' He steps to the side, and brings his feet together. Simple.

     I do so a couple times before I look at everyone else. Some had straight arms, others had stiff knees, and some looked confused and this looked terrible, nothing like what Alois did. "Good! You're starting to get it. A good way to use your arms is to clap a small beat, nobody wants stiff arms." Alois says, and started clapping with each step. Others joined in and it already looked so much better. He knows his stuff.

     "Now when you have this down, you can start adding on, like this-" he says, as he spins in between each step. I copy this, and I think I do pretty well honestly, and he smiles at everyone who got it down.  After an hour of doing moves like this, and cheerful hip-hop songs in the background, he stops. "You all did amazing. You're already learning so much." And he was right. All of us had gotten better. No more awkwardly standing in a dance floor, not knowing what to do.

      Alois smiles at all of us, "Would you like to see the dance we're going to learn?" he asks everyone, and they all nod and cheer. I stand there, arms crossed, straight face, I don't really care either way so I say nothing. Alois walks to the radio, and turns on what I think is Bounce back by Big Sean. He doesn't seem like someone that would listen to this song.

      He dances to this song, like a professional would. He hits every beat, and nobody was expecting such moves from a thin little blonde. Everyone was watching his feet that are dressed in neon pink NIKE shoes.  I'm shook--

    Alois later finishes the dance, which looked hard, and he looks like he just stood there. He isn't even breathing that hard, wow. "Oh! Before you leave~" he says, before running into the back room, and coming out later with cookies. Oh god. Cookies.  He sets them on the table by the exit, as everyone goes to get their things, and flood out. Everyone gets a cookie, some sneaky people take two. I'm waiting by the door as Elizabeth is in the bathroom, touching up on makeup, changing her clothes, and so forth.

   The blonde comes out of the back room, a bag slung over his shoulder. He soon notices my silent torture, and came over to greet me, with a large smile. "Hey, you did a good job today." he compliments. I shove my hands in my pockets nervously, "Thanks, you're really good. I wasn't really expecting that." I admit, as I keep eye-contact, it was hard to look away.

"Heh, thanks. I'm actually completely self taught!" he chirps.

"Hey um- Can I get your phone number? I think because you're my dance teacher, it would be good to have your number." I start, while awkwardly put a hand on the back of my neck.

"Of course." he says, while pulling out his phone, and we exchange numbers.

Teach me? [Cielois]Where stories live. Discover now