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~There is going to be slight gore in this chapter. If you are sensitive or have a weak stomach, I strongly suggest not to read this chapter. Don't worry, you won't miss anything if you don't read it. There might be a few sprinkles of vile language also.~

Ciel's P.O.V

      I knew today was special, but I didn't exactly know why. Alois said that he had plans for us today. Must be something that everyone knows about, because the traffic has gotten so much worse.

      Alois showed up at my house early in the morning, "Ciel~ I know you're in there~ I can smell your social disease~!"

"Alois! What could you possibly want at this time?!" I shout, not caring to change from my PJs'.

"Ciel, we're going camping! Get dressed and get in the car." he says, gesturing to the white vehicle behind him, probably his.

"Camping?! I never agreed to camping you bloody loon!"

"It will be fun~"

      I slam the door in his face, and grumble to myself as I storm upstairs and to my room to change and pack. I've never been a morning person. Never. And I never will be. I change into some black jeans and a grey shirt. I pack shirts and pants into a duffle bag I found on the floor of my room. I threw on some sneakers, and walks back downstairs. The whole thing took me about eight minutes.

      Once I got outside, I saw Alois leaning on the car, talking to a lavender haired female. She looks older than Alois, and she looked displeased. She also had a very noticeable bandage over her left eye. I approach the two, and their heads turn over to look at me.

"Oh Ciel! This is Hannah, she is my roommate. She is letting me borrow her car for this trip."

"Lovely to meet you Hannah. My name is Ciel Phantomhive."

     Hannah only nods, and turns to me, "Hannah Annafellows. Take care of my car,  and watch Alois carefully he tends t-"

"Hannah." Alois interrupts, while glaring daggers at her.

      A black car parks at the end of the driveway, and a tall and well built man steps out. He has golden eyes and glasses, with black hair and clothing. He walks up to Hannah, and kisses her. They must be in a relationship. This is when I notice the hatred burning in Alois' eyes as he stares at the man. 

"Cut the shit Claude! Take your slut out of here already before I curb stomp your ass!"

"Alois, we've been through this. . ."

      Alois grabs a handful of Hannah's hair, and pushes her into Claude which causes them both to stumble, "OUT!" he shouts. They both get into the black car, and drive away quickly. Alois turns and looks at me with a smile, before climbing into the drivers' seat like he didn't do anything. I get into the passenger seat. I don't understand what just happened completely, and I don't really want to know.

"What happened to her eye?"

"Oh Hannah? Yeah that's a long story."

"Come on, I have time."

"Okay okay. Well it started with Claude and I, being together for three years."


Alois' P.O.V

      Today was the forth anniversary of Claude and me. Today was a special day, we were going to watch our favorite movie on the couch in my apartment. Hannah said that she would be gone for a date this evening, so it's perfect. I like Hannah, she is one of those people who can always do you a favor in the matter of seconds.

      Claude shows up, a little later than when we scheduled, but that's okay. I was quick to run to the door, but I stopped when Hannah opened the door. She looks at me, "Your boyfriend is here~" she teases before stepping away, and walking out.

      I chuckle, and walk over to Claude, "Do you have the movie?"


"Thank you~ This will be so romantic~"


      We both jump. I look over to where the scream came from, and Hannah came out of her room, with a mad face, "He bailed on me!"

      I shake my head, "It's okay Hannah, he wasn't cute anyway." I say, before pulling Claude into the living room and onto the couch. I quickly cuddle onto him when he is comfortable. Hannah puts on the movie for us, and left the room.  It was around twenty minutes until I got up. 

"I have to pee, be right back." I say, before leaving the room. I don't understand how it happened, but I took ten minutes. I probably spent most of the time playing with bubbles that the hand soap made.

      I soon trot back into the room, "Did you miss m-" I stop and stare. Hannah and Claude were making out on the couch. She took my spot. She took my boy friend. She took my sanity. I instantly grabbed her shirt collar, and pull her back. She stumbles to the ground.

      I climbed on top of her, my tears falling onto her perfect face.

She stared at me with those bright blue eyes.

Blue eyes.

Eyes full of regret.

Eyes that I wanted to be gone.

I stuck two of my fingers into her left eye socket, and dig around.

Screaming and shouting.


I didn't hear it.

Until I got pulled up by Claude, as Hannah's blood drip from my fingers.

~End of Flashback~

"Well shit." Ciel mumbled.


846 words


Teach me? [Cielois]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें