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Alois's P.O.V

      I was excited that many people came to the small class I had set up. There was nothing going on in the town, and there never was, I was only trying to give these people something to look up too. I think it worked.

      I walked down the road to the local bakery only a couple blocks down from my apartment building. La Belle Boulangerie  was the name of the little bakery that everyone loved. I asked the owner one time what La Belle Boulangerie meant, and they said it was ' The Lovely Bakery' in French

      Once I walked in, the place wasn't very full, it usually isn't. I saw two hair colors that I've seen before, blue and hay blonde, Elizabeth and Ciel! My students! I instantly made my way to the table they were sat at, "Hey! I didn't think to see you two here!" I said, and their heads turn to me.

    "Oh hey! I didn't think we'd see you here. . . Alois is it?" the blonde asked and I just nodded. She quickly scoots over, while gesturing for me to side by her, "Come come! Sit with us, Ciel is being a big ol' nut case so I need some decent people to chat with!" she cries out, while turning her nose up in a pouty way, almost trying to make the bluenette feel bad. It didn't work.

"Elizabeth, please stop trying to make it sound like you're dating an ass."

"An ass that can't ever call me by my preferred name! It's Lizzy."

"Who cares? I'm still calling you by your name, be thankful I didn't forget."

      This goes on for a while. Them going back and forth and me sitting awkwardly with my hands neatly folded on my lap, silently praying for this to end. I didn't notice that they finished bickering until the waiter tapped my shoulder,

"Excuse me? I've been called for you a couple times, did you want anything?" she asks smoothly.

      A blush quickly rushed over my face as I jumped back, waving my hands in a way to signal something that I couldn't do with words, "N-no thank you miss! I apologize greatly it was my mistake I must have not been paying attention--" I try to reason, but she already left . I heard giggles and snickers over to my side, and I quickly glare at Ciel and Elizabeth silently judging my little scene.

      After a while of teasing and more giggling I think they finally shut up about it, I believe that they knew I was about to completely get pissed. We went on until the sun started to set. Everyone here beforehand had already gone, and we were the only people there, the only people filling the air with words of nonsense and obnoxious giggles and gaffes. But good things always come to an end.

       Elizabeth's phone rang, and Brittany Spears' "Hit me baby one more time." filled our ears. She quickly picked up, and listened to whoever was on the other line. She hung up soon after and stood up, "I have to go now, my mother just arrived! Bye Ciel!" she pecked his cheek, "Goodbye Alois!" She hugged me tight. Lizzy left in a hurry and got into a little car, we watched her drive off.

       Ciel stood and looked at me, "You should come over sometime, I really enjoy your company and I think we could be friends." he says, rather formally.

"Sure, Saturday?"


"Can't wait, already excited."


[ 586 Words ]

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