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Alois' P.O.V

      Ciel is more than I thought he was. He has been getting looks the entire time I was here, is he super important and I unconsciously grew a small crush on someone I thought was just using their parent's money. Speaking of that, I never seen his parents around. It didn't exactly bother me too much since at his age, it's appropriate to move out. But that wouldn't make sense, his parents couldn't be that rich to buy a giant manor just for him.

He must be lonely. 

I can fix that!

      I'll be there for him the entire time. Something about him hooks me to him. The eyes that are as deep as the ocean, and the eyepatch only makes it even more mysterious. His hair color is rare, and beautiful. But enough about him. This is my time to shine today.

      Recently I've been protective over the small bluenette. Glaring at anyone who looks at him, dragging him into random stores to get away from anyone that gives a bad look. I can't protect him forever, and man is it hard work. This tine, I pulled Ciel into a music shop, and we're looking at songs.

      I chose something more along the lines of, Ke$ha, Brittany Spears, Ariana Grande, the basic female pop stars.

     Ciel chose more. . . mellow things. Like The Neighborhood and Arctic Monkeys, sometimes picked out some rap songs, but mostly alternative rock.

      No, my plans for today was not to just buy music then carry on with our lives. No. Today, I wanted to admit my feelings.

That is exactly what I said everyday for the past eight days.

I tell myself i'm going to do it, but then I just chicken out!

      I think i'll just give him more time to get over his dog of an ex-girlfriend. I'll wait a couple months before admitting my feelings. I never asked about his sexuality either, but my gaydar can sense that there's something in him that might find males attractive.

       We're in the car now, taking turns listening to our songs. Ciel taps his fingers, or just simply listens as he drives. While I just go crazy. Yelling the lyrics to the songs, and dancing like nobody is watching.

Opposites attract right?

      We arrive at his manor, and it's already dark outside, well, more like sunset. Oranges, pink, blue, purples and yellows coat the sky. Ciel is already at his door, looking at me, waiting for me to come along. I run after him quickly.

"Hey Alois? How good are you at dancing?"

"I think I'm pretty good. Why?"

"Are you good at freestyle?"

"How about you watch to find out~?"

      And with that, I run over to Ciel's TV and turn to the music channels that the stations have. 'I'm the one' by Dj Khaled and other people played. It was like halfway through the song. I move the coffee table to the side and start to dace, Body rolls, quick steps, walk it out, wind up, it's goin' down, spongebob, rock yo' hips and such. I spin and point at Ciel, "Another one."

"Okay okay okay, let the professionals step in."

      Ciel steps in and waits for the next song. Once it starts he dances like he's done it for years. Lip gloss, jump on it, bird walk, a-town stomp, and other moves. This goes on for a while, the little dance party. But because I have two left feet, I trip and fall.  By instinct I grab onto the nearest thing to me to try and prevent falling, but that happened to be Ciel, so we both stumble.

      Ciel and I fell onto the ground. Ciel on top of me, straddling me. I was too dizzy to care.

"Alois! Are you okay?"

"Yes, i'm fine. Are you?"

"Fine fine."

 Then the position we're in hits him like a train.

     He blushes beet red, as he stares at my own blushing face. We stay like this until Sebastian picks Ciel up, and picking me up. "Oh dear, I wish I didn't have to disturb your moment, but I just cleaned that carpet."




Okay. Some of you might not have noticed but I've changed the cover of the story!  Do you like it? I feel like it fits the story well. The cover art isn't mine, it belongs it it's respected and loved creator.

Teach me? [Cielois]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang