Chapter 7 Adorable

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Yoongi's POV:
I stood for a moment replaying the words jimin just said too me.

He then grabbed my hand and started to walk out of the classroom just before we where about to stop he stopped and faced me and the next thing I never expected happened.

He pulled me into a hug. All the love I thirsted for for years.

I needed it.

I really needed it.

he then let go and looked me straight in the eyes are noses touching I could feel his minty breath on my lips,"you are loved, you are needed in this world, and I don't ever want you to think differently Yoongi"he said intently.

Where did this come from.. does he know about my mother?

I just stared at him I was Mesmerized.

I kept starring at his lips I wanted so badly just to crash my lips into him but I knew I shouldn't.

I've never had this feeling

I've never been talked too like that before.

He smiled and took my hand and we started walking through the halls, we got some weird looks but I really didn't care.

I felt happy.

I directed him towards my lunch table and we sat down, for once I was glad I sat alone at a table because I was alone with him.

We started eating when that same guy Shawn that I bumped into earlier and, called me a fag walked pass my table and purposely bumped into jimin causing him to drop his milk.

And spilled all over him."oh sorry didn't see you there fag!" All of his posse laughed.

I snapped.

I yelled with rage.

Everyone was silent including jimin.

Oh god he's going to be scared of me too I Just lost the only person that doesn't hate me.

I grabbed my bag and ran as fast as I could to the roof, without looking behind me. Once I made it up there I was out of breath, I lent over edge of the roof and breathed heavily trying to calm down.

I heard foot steps coming up the stairs. So I hid behind a wall.

"Yoongi!" I stayed quiet. I knew it was jimin but I just didn't want him to see me right now.

"Yoongi! Please answer me!"I knew I couldn't hide forever so I walked out from behind the wall.

"Yoongi!" He jogged over to me. "Yoongi, thank you!" he said between breaths he was very out of breath.

Come on jimin you literally jogged like 5 feet.

He took my hands and looked at me." Thank you" he smiled

"Y-your not scared of me?" I asked shyly.

"No of course not I'm surprised on how brave you were I could never do that."

I smiled.

"What are we going to do about your shirt?"
I asked looking at his milk stained shirt.

"I have a hoodie you could borrow."
I said as I grabbed the hoodie out of my bag.

"Thank you" he said.

He then started taking off his shirt, I blushed incredibly hard and turned around and covered my eyes.

Marry mother of lord! This kid works out! I mean damn!

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