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It had only been mere minutes, yet Inga managed to break me down and rip my bones apart in a matter of seconds, leaving a broken and bloody mess to stain the floor, even more, only to stagger up and clean her 'conveniently placed' wounds accordingly. However, she would grow sloppier each time, and bruises would grow on exposed skin on arms and legs, meaning I had to wear longer and thicker articles of clothing just to hide away the secrets - something that didn't go unnoticed.

I hissed as I pushed the wet cloth against an open cut, gritting my teeth as it both stung like crazy and soothed the fire underneath. These new cuts would mean my wardrobe would consist of a long shirt, thick enough to hide any bandages, today - which would annoy me to no end, considering the heat that raged outside of the apartment. No doubt someone would ask about it again, as they were prone to, but there wasn't another choice.

My head fell back against the cool wall and I sighed, biting my lip to hold back angry tears - crying didn't solve anything. These were just small cuts, and they barely hurt; I had felt worse, and I had done much worse to others before. I was not dying, nor would I from my pitiful cuts. Only babies and small, whimpering, useless children cried over spilt milk, and I was far from an infant anymore. I couldn't just let Inga win, not like this.

So, instead, I forced myself up to my feet and, bracing myself on objects around, stumbled out of the bathroom into the cold air of the apartment - surprisingly empty, though I knew I wasn't truly alone. Cameras littered the rooms, even in places I didn't know, and Inga had multiple trackers planted, even on me. Being alone wasn't a term a Red Room could ever even been aware of, and it certainly didn't apply here, even from so far away.

Her desk and any information about anything were locked up or hidden, secure where I couldn't reach it. I scraped with broken down, blunt nails at the lock, desperate to find something, but it was no use. I could potentially open it in better circumstances, without Inga watching or even just with more time, but for now, I was left in the dark to wait for her return.

This was much more than I had thought. In only weeks, my small mission meant to bring me to the top had turned into so much more; the boy was a prize, Inga was itching to grab hold of him, and I was somewhere in the midst, a pawn in her games - or, maybe not even her games. I had no idea where this started; Madame or the Lider could be behind it, or maybe something much bigger. Maybe, however, she was going behind their backs, and this was a set-up between only her and her mystery correspondent, and I was just her new play toy while she manipulated all of us.

I didn't know anything, or at least, not anymore. All I did know was that this was much more than a stupid protection program for the Parker boy, and I had the sneaking suspicion that this wasn't going to end well for either of us.

Lifting myself up off of the floor, I scanned her spotlessly clean desk, as if somehow there would be something more - however, as I thought, there wasn't. The only thing I had to hold onto and investigate was the weird phone call several days ago, and that wasn't really something one could trace easily. If she was anything, Inga was very clever.

The door handle jiggled, and I stepped away from the desk, though that didn't really matter much; after all, she had cameras everywhere watching my every move, so I could lie my heart out and get nothing. However, I still stood away from her area and linked my fingers behind my back, silently begging she wasn't eager for round two of training. I didn't think I could take anymore today.


Sweat dripped down my back, and I winced, adjusting my thick hair to hopefully cover up the moisture soaking the shirt. Of course the school was boiling hot, and of course, I was stuck wearing a thick sweater in the midst of the worst. Needless to say, I was dying and feeling increasingly more grumpy as the minutes peeled away.

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