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Dress Fititng for Cotillion
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Dress Fititng for Cotillion[voting is closed now, sorry!]

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     "I DON'T THINK THIS IS THE ONE." I groaned, holding my breath while Evie zipped up my dress. I stood before three full length mirrors whilst balancing on a wooden stool.

     "Agreed. It's too tight." Evie nodded and helped me out of my 16th dress. "Don't give up, we'll find something. I promise."

     "We're out of time, though. I'm surprised there's this many dresses left over." I frowned, letting my gaze run down a rack of formal dresses. "I'm starting to think that I should just arrive in some jeans and a hoodie and call it a day." I winked, reaching for my clothes.

     Evie jumped in front of me and smiled from ear to ear, her friendly brown eyes reassuring me that everything would work out in the end. "Nope."

"Alright.. then I need something unlike any other dress you've seen before. Something nobody else will have on. Today..." I sighed, and began slipping on another one of Evie's creations, "whatever I choose will be my farewell dress. This dance is my last appearance before returning to the Isle." Once I stepped into the dress, I held it against my chest and turned around for Evie to pull the zipper.

     "And you're sure about this?" Evie kindly asked. There was no hesitation or judgement in her tone, only compassion and genuine concern. "Who else knows?" Evie zipped up the dress, stepping back to allow me an opportunity to think. I pivoted my hips from side to side, watching as the fabric moved with me.

     "I told Ally, but I've realized that I can't trust her anymore." I sighed, running my hands down my torso. "I love this fabric." I couldn't help but smile.

     "Even if Ally is out of the picture, you'll always have me. I'm all ears, and ready to listen. I happen to be a very good listener." Evie wrapped her arms around my shoulders form behind, and I closed my eyes and embraced her comforting. "Are you going back to the Isle because of Harry?" She asked gently, letting go to pull my hair to one side. She adjusted the jewels on the chest and neckpiece of the dress. I nodded in response, allowing my full attention to fall upon on the shimmering work of art. Tracing my fingers along the crystals, I couldn't help but feel giddy inside.

     Being pampered like a true princess was nice, and something that I wasn't used to. It was a nice change, but I knew this couldn't be my forever lifestyle.

     "I miss him. At first I was scared of him. Then I spent some more time with him, and I realized he wasn't so bad. But then.. I actually began to like his bad side more than his good side." I shrugged, smiling over my shoulder at Evie. "He's very handsome when he's bad." I giggled, as did Evie.

     Once again I looked at the dress from every angle.
The entire dress glistened like a newly polished chandelier. The skirt was lightweight, and very breathable. It was youthful, and fairylike, however the torso was an added layer of beauty and maturity.

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