part one

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"Things were different, we were young skinny dipping having fun, I remember." The Neighbourhood filled my ears as I put my headphones in. Downstairs, my parents were fighting for what seemed the billionth time and my little sister was silently sitting in her bedroom. I yanked my headphones out, seeing as they weren't blocking the noise, and went to check on my sister.

I found her sitting on the floor, crying. "Sammy, it's just a little argument. Everything will be okay tomorrow." I tried to rub her shoulder with my thumb but she shoved me away.

"You say that every time Rylee. It never gets better and you know it." she said, letting out another shower of tears.

"I-" I stopped, trying not to further upset her. "Just forget about them; why don't you get some sleep?" I reached out to grab her hand and pulled her off the floor to the bed. "I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight Sammy."

It was 8 o'clock and I needed to get out of that house before my head got to me. My head was throbbing from all the distress in the house. I snuck out of my bedroom into the living room, trying not to be noticed by my parents, and left through the back door. I started walking down a crooked street to the small coffee shop. Cars sped past me and I put my headphones in, blocking out the world.

As I was walking up to the door, a slender figure bumped into me. Having my earphones in, I was taken by complete shock.

"Hey, what the hell?" I said, realizing too late that I had reacted in the wrong way.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to run into you like that." He stepped out of the darkness that engulfed him, and I felt my throat tighten. He was tall, structured, and had dark hair that swept towards the night sky. I couldn't help but look into his deep brown eyes. He wore a red, plaid shirt with skinny jeans and white converse.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I didn't-"

"No, it's fine." He walked to the door and opened it, allowing me to walk in before him. "So why are you out at a coffee shop this late? And alone?" A glowing smile crept upon his face, and I couldn't help but smile back.

I responded, "Just looking for somewhere more peaceful than home." A nervous laugh escaped my lips before realizing I had opened up too quickly again. "Um, I mean I just need to study somewhere quieter."

"Ah, I see. Well, my name is Jack. My family forced me to move from my home in Nevada." His words caressed his lips and his laugh sounded like a thousand rose petals drifting in the wind. And I sounded like I had never spoken before in my life. We sat down at a table and talked for a few minutes about the town and the people. I started to gather my stuff and suddenly looked up; he was tugging at my wrist. Jack had a pen out and was attempting to write something on the inside of my wrist. My heart stopped and I yanked my arm away, quickly pulling my sleeve down over my wrist. I couldn't let him see the tragedies embedded in my skin.

"Sorry Jack, I have to go.." I got up and started running out of the coffee shop in terror. I felt tears screaming to be let out as I pushed the door.

"Wait!" He shouted, leaping from his chair.

I couldn't stop then; I had to go. I ran all the way home.

Journal for September 23, 2013

Hey it's me, Rylee. I left to go to the coffee shop last week, just like every other time; but something strange happened this time. Some boy started talking to me; well- I ran into him.. and I yelled at him. He forgave me, but I can't tell you I didn't mess up bad this time. His name is Jack and he just moved here from Nevada. He tried to write his number on my wrist but I pulled away and ran out of the shop. See. I told you I'd mess it up. Turns out, I kind of haven't stopped thinking about him or the incident since.. oops? I'm sneaking out to the coffee shop again tonight and hopefully h-

"Rylee!" I heard my mother shout from the bottom of the steps. "Rylee! Get down here and clean the dishes!" I set my pen down on my desk, rolled my eyes, and took small, slow steps to the kitchen.

The kitchen counters were piled with dishes. Mom had had some friends over for dinner and it was apparently my job to clean up. I picked up an empty wine bottle from the floor and placed it on the counter. Walking over to the sink, I looked around to make sure no one was watching. I turned on the water, then rolled up my sleeves. Countless dashes covered my arms; countless dashes I swore to never show. I started washing the dishes one by one until every dish had been polished clean. I returned to my bedroom to find my eight year old sister sitting at my desk, with my journal opened.

Before I knew it, I had lost it. I don't know when or how, but I had lost my head again and was now pulling my sister to the ground. Sammy had been kicking and screaming for a minute when dad came and ripped my body off of hers. He shoved me aside and lifted precious Sammy off the ground. In kind, delicate words, Dad asked Sammy if she was alright.

"Daddy, Ry pulled me to the ground and wouldn't let me up! I was just reading her story, Daddy!" At this point I was fuming with anger.

"Sammy, that's my journal. Who do you think you are to read it? A story? It isn't a story, it's my journal. Don't you dare touch it; it's mine to read and mine only." I walked to the desk and grabbed the rough binding that held all my secrets. I could see in my dad's eyes that he was ticked and was trying to figure me out, but he soon turned around to carry Sammy out. I closed the door and fell to my bed with panic set in my head.

I woke up the next morning, finding my makeup smeared all over my face. I washed my face with water and then headed downstairs to find my lovely family.

"Morning Rylee. I'm making eggs if you're interested." My dad stood over the stove with a spatula. Still shook up from last night, I said, "No thanks, not hungry." A subtle smirk fell on his face, but he soon returned to his normal, stern look. He knew I was hungry. I ignored him and started heading towards the back door.

"Hey, where do you think you're going at 9 in the morning?" He snapped.

"Oh, um I need some things for school." I hoped he wouldn't detect my lie.

He thankfully didn't and replied, "Alright, just be back by noon, okay Ry?" I nodded and started out the door. As soon as the door shut, I headed to the coffee shop. I walked down the street, shivering from the icy wind, towards the shop. In my head, I was hoping he would be there.

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