part three

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The door was open, and I really wasn't intrigued by the fact that there could be other people hearing my sad, prolonged story of a life. I broke off from his stare and got up to close the door. "Sorry, my life doesn't want to be shared with anyone but you." His eyes widened. "Wait, that's not what I meant- I meant my sad sob stories." I wanted to cry I was so embarrassed, but Jack laughed and everything seemed okay again. "I understand." He replied.

The staring proceeded.

"Well.." He said, waiting for something--anything--to happen. Do I show him what's under my sleeves?

"It's quite a long story." I bit my lip.

Jack moved over closer to me and said, "Tell me about everything living and dying inside you."

My heart was pounding. Rylee, just get it over with; show him what's dying to live.

I wanted to feel weightless. I wanted to drop all the weight off my shoulders and just feel.. accepted. Here goes nothing.

I rolled up my sleeve and stared at the floor. I didn't want to see Jack's reaction.

At first, the room was filled with silence; he said nothing. I was scared and wanted to hide everything. I had never opened up to someone about my scars before and was wondering if I had made the right decision. I couldn't quite figure out if the silence was good or bad, but it only lasted for a moment as Jack took my hand and said "he was so sorry". We started talking about school, our families and friends, and everything else that made us feel so small. I found out a lot about Jack, and realized that we were more similar than we thought. The conversation ended and I couldn't help but smile.

Jack laughed and said, "What?"

"It just feels so good to know that I'm not the only wildflower." I turned and looked out the window to see a night sky scattered with stars. "Shit", I said, panicking. "What time is it?"

"It's... quarter to 10. Why?" Jack said, confused.

"My dad told me to be home by noon. I told him I was going out to get some things for school. He's going to be so pissed.." I started towards the door, grabbing my jacket from the floor, and Jack followed quickly.

"Here, don't worry about the school supplies. Let me drive you home." Jack led me to the garage and we hopped in a black Ford Focus.

We started driving, and I gave directions to my house. Dad is going to kill me. First, I'm late by practically half a day and secondly, I'm coming home with a boy. We finally reached the dreaded driveway and stopped the car. I looked at Jack with a panicked looked, but his face glowed with confidence. He and I climbed out of the car and my heart started racing. Dad being mad at me was nothing new, and me being late wasn't abnormal, but Jack was here and that brought everything up to new extremes.

We started walking down the edgy path to my front door. "You probably shouldn't go in there; I can deal with it." I started clenching my hands around my wrists out of nervousness; I didn't want Jack to know what happened in that house.

"No, I'm not letting you fight another battle alone." And at that moment, Jack intertwined his fingers in mine and turned the doorknob.

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