part twelve

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"Okay, so let me get this straight," Jack giggled, chewing on his straw. "You walked into the house, sat down for dinner, and stormed right back out ten minutes later?"

"Stop, it's not funny." I scolded, but I couldn't hide my smile. Jack had forced it out of me to share why I came running back to his house only thirty minutes after I had left. What other choice did I have though?

He shook his head at me, grinning. "Ohhhhh, Rylee."

I raised an eyebrow at his sudden change of tone.

"What?" He smirked.

"Okay, first you buy me a lemonade, now what are you up to?" I pryed, setting my empty cup on the table. Something was up, and my curiosity was eating me alive.

Jack smiled and immediately stood up from his seat, grabbing my wrist in the process. Not a word was said as he pulled me back to the car, until we reached the passenger side.

"It's a surprise."


The door was opened and he padded over to the driver's side.

"Jack, why won't you tel-"

"Shh, you'll find out soon. Stop worrying so much." He assured me with his genuine smile.

God, what am I doing?

I had always played it off like I was this badass chick, who cared about no one. I played a role, believing I was this rebellious monster of a teenager. I never actually was; I followed curfew, I finished reading assignments, and I was polite to adults. I never imagined that I would leave my parent's house in a fit and run away to a boy's house. A boy I just met.

I was still weary about the whole situation. For some reason, I feel like I got off on the wrong foot with Jack's parents--but I never met them. I regret screaming at him earlier; they probably think I'm his psycho girlfriend. No, friend. Or whatever we are.

I'm his psycho. And I'm okay with that.

"What are you smiling about, Ry?" Jack nudged me, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, nothing." I smiled again. Damnit. "Are we almost there, wherever you're taking me?" I asked.


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