part two

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I approached the shop and crossed my fingers behind my back. Opening the door, I took a few steps in and smiled to see Jack sitting at a table. Should I say hi? No..remember the last time you saw him? You ran out crying. I decided maybe this was a bad idea and started to turn back towards the door.

"Hey! Remember me?" He called from behind me with a glowing smile. I slowly turned back around, half embarrassed, and smiled. "Hey. Whatsup?" I sounded like I had never spoken to a boy before. I brushed it off and we went to the front of the shop to buy drinks.

"Funny seeing you here again, huh?" He said as he laughed. It was so weird how he was talking to me. It was like Hell was sending this cute guy up to Connecticut to make fun of a boring, stubborn me. I replied, "Yeah, I come here a lot." Say something new Rylee. Do it. We took our drinks to a table in the far corner of the shop and sat down.

I could tell Jack was dying to ask me about something; I could tell he wanted to know what happened the other day. But what I couldn't tell was if I was willing to open up to him about me and explain why I ran out crying.

"You never told me your name." Jack said after five minutes of awkward silence.

"Sorry, what?"

"Your name, you never told me what it is!" He laughed awkwardly.

"Oh, it's Rylee. My name's Rylee." I could officially say this was the most awkward conversation I had ever had. I took a sip of my hot chocolate and decided that what I was about to say needed to be said if I wanted to make friends.

I started off apologizing for running away that day, and for yanking my arm away from him. I also told him that the reasons for all of it were something I couldn't talk about in a public place, so he suggested we go to his house. Honestly, I was surprised he was still talking to me and cared enough to invite me to his house. I had never been to a guys house before, or even talked this deeply to a guy before; there was no telling what would happen. Plus, did I really want to tell him why I ran away?

He must have lived fairly close to me, because we exited the coffee shop and started walking the way I came from. After about 5 blocks of walking, we turned onto a little street called Rosemont Road. The street had extensions of several dainty houses; Jack led me to a dark auburn-y house in the corner of the street. "Well, this is it." I could tell in his words that he wasn't sure to be proud of his home or embarrassed. "It's cute!" I laughed. He then led me to the garage and then in his house. I felt my hands start to tremble, I mean, I didn't know where this would lead. Is it completely out of the question to think we could be anything more than friends? He grabbed my wrist, and for a second I freaked, but took a chance and trusted him. Jack pulled me through his little dainty house on Rosemont Road until we reached a door. The door to his bedroom. I gulped, and followed him in.

We sat down on his bed and he immediately turned on some music. It was All Time Low, one of my favorite bands, and I smiled. "All Time Low is the shit, right?" Jack said, proud of his insanely good music taste. I laughed and responded with an exceeding nod. He turned the music down to a point where it faintly filled my ears, and the dreaded conversation could be heard clearly. I could tell he was fairly interested, but I wasn't sure if the interest was in me or me.

"So, Rylee," he said as that sneaky little smile crept upon his face again, "tell me about you."

I stared blankly. He stared back.

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