part eight

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I reached my driveway and walked up to the front door, this time with no fear. Opening the door, I kicked my shoes off and walked to the kitchen. At the dining room table, sat my parents and Sammy. I found three pairs of eyes staring at me, wondering where I had been and why I wasn't there with them.

"Sorry, I stayed after school with Mr. Praxton to get some help in English. Ran late." I sat down in my seat at the table and grabbed a plate. Clearly unimpressed, my mother stared blankly and my father raised an eyebrow. Sammy kept stuffing grilled chicken into her mouth.

"What are you learning?" My mother asked.

I started piling food onto my plate. "Oh you know, Shakespeare and his novels. Really interesting." I couldn't keep from smiling, as I expressed my fake interest in Shakespeare.

"Ah, the Capulets and Montagues, right?" She replied.

"Yeah, something like that."

"You seem very energetic this evening." Dad said, setting his fork down and placing his eyes on me.

I took my eyes off of him and stared at my plate. After a few moments of stillness, I spoke up.

"Is that supposed to be an insult to me?" I said, still. I glanced at Sammy, who was now staring at her lap. My mothers's blank stare returned to her face and looked at Dad.

The silence broke when he stabbed at me again.

"Are you still seeing that boy? The one that showed up out of no--"

"Leave him out of this. Why are you so upset that I'M HAPPY?" I tossed my fork on the table and stood up. Sammy stared up at me with wet eyes. Mom threw her head between her hands and my Dad looked at me in shock. I walked straight back to the door I had come from and put my converse back on. Tears swelled in my eyes as fuzzy noises and screams came from the kitchen. Pushing the door open, I headed back to Rosement Road.

Risky, I know.

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