part ten

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This was the most rebellious thing I had done. Although, bringing a boy home in the middle of the night wasn't one of my shining moments either. I wasn't going home; not back to that crack house. Jack took blankets out of his closet and layed them out on the floor besides his bed. He grabbed a pillow off his bed and tossed it by the blankets.

"Alright, there's your bed Ry." He sighed, gesturing towards the floor.

I raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

"Nah, we just need it to look like a fifth grade sleepover so my parents don't get upset." He smirked, grabbing me by my waist and kissing my nose.

I laughed, but then realized what he had said. "Your parents don't like me?"

"Of course they like you, Rylee."

"How come I've never met them?" I asked, in all seriousness.

Jack turned his gaze towards his wall of old record vinyls, his eyes crossing over every single word. "They're pretty busy with work most of the time." I subtly smiled.

The silence filled the air again, so I decided to curl up against him again. We both settled into the covers, and I felt Jack drifting to sleep. I stayed awake, counting the divets in the ceiling. It was hard to believe how much my life had changed in the past couple weeks. I went from the antisocial, awkward teenager with a dysfunctional family to the antisocial, awkward teenager with a dysfunctional family and a guy to call mine. Well, I mean I figured he's mine. I am in his room avoiding my dysfunctional family.

• • •

The next morning I woke up to Jack's slender arms wrapped around me, holding me against his chest. This feeling of having someone was absolutely irresistible, something I was not used to. Jack pulled me closer and increased his strong grip on me, not acknowledging the footsteps moving down the hall.

"Shit Jack, is that your parents?" I stammered, twisting to face him.

He quickly let go of me, causing me to crumble into the sheets, and started scrambling.

I moved up onto my elbows and watched this new side of him run across the room, unsure. "Are you okay? Do they know I'm here?" I pressed, trying to keep my voice down. Me wearing one of his shirts and my own black underwear was not exactly how I wanted to meet his parents for the first time. The footsteps were getting louder and Jack was still fumbling around his room.

"Jack!" I breathed, a slight tone of annoyance filling my words.

He pulled at his hair with both hands, and stopped pacing. "Not exactly, Ry, no. Can you please just hide in the closet or something? I promise it'll only be for a few minutes." There was a sense of fear hiding in his eyes. I figured he had to have a good reason for this, so I walked over to the closet not loosening my lock with his eyes.

"A few minutes." I said, hoping and praying I wouldn't turn into his dirty little secret.

"A few minutes." He responded.

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