part six

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"Miss Davis!" I shook awake to Praxton slapping his hand on my desk. "Pay attention; This is on your test Friday." He walked back to the front of the classroom, glancing back at me once, and proceeded to lecture about the Montagues and Capulets. I looked at the clock in the front of the room; we had 15 agonizing minutes left. I pulled my notebook towards me and started drawing a series of little skyscrapers along the edge of my notes. I drew tall buildings and short buildings, the tall ones representing positive events in my life and the short ones reflecting downfalls. All together, it looked like a wave of radioactivity. I drew the last building in the few minutes I had left of class, and it overshadowed all the others.

Class let out and the hallways were once again swamped with students. I pushed my way through the freshmen groups that conversed in the middle of the hallway and headed towards the library.

The library was starting to flood with noise as I scanned the room, searching for him. I had no idea if he would meet me in here, or if he even knew where the library was. The library was scoped out for another two minutes until I decided to roam the halls.

I walked around the first floor, headed towards Jack's fourth block class, and found him talking to his teacher. Jack noticed me standing outside the room and finished his conversation.

He finally left the room and came to meet me. "Suck up." I teased.

"Hey, don't be mean to the new kid." He teased back, rolling his eyes. "How was English?" He asked.

A devious smile crept upon my face. "Oh, it was the best. And how was Media Production?"

"Eh, it was alright. Boring. So what does Rylee have planned now?" Jack played. I was going to waste as much time possible to avoid going home.

"Well, my parents don't approve of you so my house is a no-go. We could--"

"--Go to my house?" Jack interrupted, completing my sentence.

"Sure." The skyscrapers in my notebook grew taller and I smiled.

We walked down the hall towards the front of the school. "Did you drive here?" I asked.

"Yeah, did you?"

"No. I walked." I replied.

"Jeez, you walked? It's freezing outside." Jack said, surprised. We pushed opened the front doors of the school and stinging, cold air came rushing in. I rushed with him across the parking lot to his car and climbed in the passenger side.

"Why do I live in this state?" I moaned, rubbing my arms. Jack just laughed and put the key in the ignition. We drove out of the parking lot and headed to his house. The last time I was at his house didn't end well; I lost privileges of seeing him. Obviously, that didn't phase me because I was here with him now and I wasn't going to change that.

lockets (a thatsojack fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang