part seven

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I recognized the little street as we turned onto Rosemont Road, and then into his driveway. Another car stood parked on the far side of his driveway. Are his parents here?

"Don't worry, it's just my older brother." Jack assured me, noticing I was staring at the tan Ford Escape. I exhaled, trying to dilute my nerves, and got out of the car.

"Does he go to school with us?" I asked.

"No, he's in college now. He's just visiting." Jack told me, opening the door. I followed him down the same hallway, just like I had the other night. This time, we passed his bedroom and went downstairs.

The first thing I noticed was the back corner of the large, open room. There were two large sofas perpendicular to each other, seperated by a wire end table. In the other corner, a giant suede beanbag sat in a pile of pillows and blankets. Along the back wall hung pictures of open fields, abandoned buildings, and still trees.

"Did I just walk into a tumblr blog?" I teased, laughing.

"You're funny." Jack said sarcastically. "Actually, I had no part in decorating it."

I raised my eyebrow.

"Okay, maybe I helped with the photographs." Jack admitted.

"Aha, guilty!" I yelled, looking up into his brown eyes and wrapping my arm around his. He walked me over to one of the couches and we collapsed into it, sinking into the feathery cushions.

"Let's see what's on Netflix." Jack said, grabbing the remote. As he scrolled through the list of movies, I inched closer to him. My mind was racing in every direction. He finally picked a movie off the list, The Breakfast Club.

"The Breakfast Club? Really? It couldn't get any more tumblr than that." I said, laughing.

"Hey, don't hate." Jack smiled. He got up and walked back towards the stairs to turn the lights down. On his way back, he grabbed a blanket from the corner and sat down closer to me.

The first scene of the movie started, and I watched intently for a few minutes. I dropped my attention from the tv for a second and realized he was looking at me. He subtly grinned and returned his gaze back to the movie. I looked at the clock, realized it was almost 4 pm, and nudged in closer to Jack.

I watched the movie for another minute, and i could tell that he wasn't watching the movie anymore. The room had a stillness to it, although everything was racing. As I stared at the tv, my focus was anywhere but the movie. My thoughts ran back and forth, crossing paths and creating new ones. I couldn't help but pull my attention away from the movie as he leaned over and kissed me.

I was taken by surprise, his hand behind my neck, pulling me closer. I had never kissed anyone before; I didn't know what to do with myself. An awkward smile fell on my lips as the kiss continued. My mind filled with spacious air. I felt light--High. The Breakfast Club played in the background, unaware that it had lost the attention of two wreckless teenagers.

It seemed like only minutes had passed when Jack's lips parted from mine. A look of dissapointment fell on my face as he checked the clock; It was 5 o'clock. I knew I had to face my parents at some point."I'll drive you home." Jack said, willingly.

"No, it's okay. I think I'll walk home; it'll look better for my parents." I said. He walked me upstairs, passing through the living room. In front of a tv sat Jack's older brother. He instantly sat up and deviously smiled at Jack.

His brother turned to look at me. "You must be Rylee." The same smile was returned to me as I nodded, "Yes."

"I've heard so much about 'Rylee' lately!" He exclaimed, Jack smirking at the floor. I laughed.

Jack grabbed my arm, and started leading me down the hall to the front door. His brother followed, smiling the whole way. What had Jack said about me? I kept it middle school style and thanked him for having me over. As the door closed behind me, I heard his brother say,

"So, is she a good kisser?" And I walked down the moonlit driveway.

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