part four

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I had never been more scared in my life. What were my parents going to say? I didn't have an excuse for my absence either. The foyer was pitch black, except for the nightlight in the corner. We slowly walked through the deafening silence that filled the air towards the stark white light coming from the kitchen. Through the dark, I looked for Jack's eyes, face, anything, hoping he had some genious idea out of this. Sitting on a stool, was my father. I froze.

"Where the hell have you been, Rylee?" He was furious.

I started to gather my words, searching for the right ones, but Jack spoke before I could. "It isn't Rylee's fault; she was showing me around town and we lost track of time. My family and I jus-" And he was cut off by my dad's sharp tone.

"Yeah, BS. Rylee, you have no excuse for not telling me you would be out later. You couldn't have checked your texts inbetween you and your friend's liplocks? Give me your phone; you're grounded." I had never seen my dad so angry and upset. I unwillingly let go of Jack's hand and bit my lip, trying to hold the tears in as I handed over my phone. Jack was then ordered out of my house. I had never before been more scared of losing someone in my life than I was now.

That night, I ran up to my bedroom and cried. I was sure my dad would never let me leave the house again. I couldn't understand what I had done wrong. I mean, I understand that I came home way later than planned, but it wasn't a big deal. Was finding someone that made me feel so alive something to be frowned upon? I didn't sleep that night, and I dreamed Jack was staring at his ceiling too. In the morning, I pretended I was sleeping when my mother came in to wake me up for school. Shit, school.

"Rylee, it's Monday; you have school honey. Get up and get dressed." I rolled over, pressing my face into my pillow and moaning. The only good thing I could see coming from this was a getaway, and that's exactly what I intended to do.

I got up from under the pile of blankets, threw on a white sweater and skinny jeans, and attempted to brush my mom's mascara onto my naked eyelashes. Walking straight past my family in the kitchen, I sped to the laundry room for my converse. Finally, I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door. Usually I would get a ride from my dad, but there was no way in hell I would sit in a car for even five minutes with him. I walked swiftly towards the ticking time bomb they called "school" and headed to my usual corner in the cafeteria. Having fifteen minutes before my first class started, I put my headphones in and turned on Settle Down by The 1975.

Suddenly I jerked my head up and fired, "Excuse me!" as someone grabbed my shoulder. I soon took my remark back and smiled; I knew those long, nimble fingers wrapped around my shoulder.

"Jack!" I shrieked, as I jumped up to hug him.

"Hey." He said through a smile. "How'd last night go after I left?"

I looked around and realized the cafeteria was filled with nosy sluts. Grabbing my bag, I pulled Jack down the hallway towards my first block. "Well, my parents lectured me and I didn't come out of my room at all until literally half an hour ago. I'm grounded." I said, partially laughing.

Smirking, Jack replied, "Well that sucks. I told my parents about you; they think you're sweet." An awkward silence grew between us and I bit my lip to keep from smiling. "Anyways, do you know where Statistics is? You're school is so much more different than my old school." He awkwardly laughed again, and I laughed.

"Yeah, it's right across the hall from my math room." We continued walking up the stairs towards the Math wing. As we walked, I couldn't help but notice his extreme sense of style. He wore black skinny jeans with leather brown boots, paired with a striped, white t-shirt and gold chain necklace. And here I was in a sweater and trashed converse. "What's your schedule look like for the rest of the day?" I asked as we approached the math rooms.

"Um, Stats, English, Psych, lunch, and Media Production. Am I going to be across the hall from you for all my other classes too?" Jack said, grinning.

I laughed. "Unfortunately not. But I should see you for lunch, unless you're too cool to sit with me," I teased.

"Ha, we'll see." He headed into his Stats class and I went across the hall to my Pre-Calculus class--which I sucked at.

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