Lucky Day

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"Wake up honey! Breakfast is ready and you need to get to the dance studio."

(You have been dancing since you could walk.)

You groan and cover your head with your pillow. Your little brother, Jack runs in and jumps on top of you.

Jack: Wake up, y/n! Wake up!

You: Jack! Get off of me.

You push Jack off of you and he falls onto the floor. You look at him and you both start laughing. You finally get up and get ready for dance. Before you go downstairs, you check your computer to see if there are any updates on the Dolan Twins. There's nothing new though. You go downstairs and meet your aunt in the kitchen.

Aunt Casie: Good morning sleepy head. Finally up?

You: Haha, yes. What's for breakfast? It smells amazing.

Aunt Casie: Waffles, eggs and bacon.

You: Yum!!!

You go in the fridge and pour yourself some orange juice. You sit at the table with your brother and aunt Casie. You guys eat your breakfast and enjoy your morning together. You look at the time.

You: Oh shoot! I'm late!

You get up and grab your keys to leave. As you walk out the door, Casie yells to you.

Casie: Have fun!

You: Thanks aunt Casie!

You get out the door and drive to the dance studio. You run in and see everyone already stretching.

(Your dance instructor's name is Mrs. Grey.)

Mrs. Grey: Y/n. You're late.

You: I know, I am so sorry!

Mrs. Grey: Go stretch, now!

(Mrs. Grey is a strict dance instructor, but she's actually a really encouraging and amazing teacher.)

You find a place next to Halie and start stretching.

Halie: Wow, y/n. Late again....

You: Yeah, I know. I'm horrible with time.

Halie: Well, if you want to make it to championship next month, you should probably start at least being on time to practices.

You: Thanks for the tip...

You roll your eyes at Halie.

As soon as stretching is done, dance class begins and you dance your little butt off for hours. Once practice is over, you drink some water and start to walk out. Mrs. Grey stops you.

Mrs. Grey: Hey, y/n? Come here please. I need to have a word with you.

You: Yes Mrs. Grey?

Mrs. Grey: This isn't the first time you've been late and I've noticed your  determination has been reducing lately. What's going on?

You: Nothing. Nothing's going on.

Mrs. Grey: Look, I know what happened to your parents a couple years ago was hard on you, but you're an extraordinary dancer; one of the best I've ever taught. If you want to make it to championship next month, you need to up your game. I want the old y/n back. The one who is so determined that she won't let anyone get in the way of her dream.

You: Well, maybe the old y/n isn't coming back. No disrespect Mrs. Grey, but maybe championship isn't my dream anymore.

Mrs. Grey: What are you saying?

You: I can't do this anymore. I quit dance. At least for now. I hope you can understand.

Mrs. Grey: I understand that you're throwing your hard work in the trash and giving up your dream.

You: I'm not giving up on dreaming. Sometimes dreams can just change.

Mrs. Grey: You are going to regret this, y/n. A lot.

You: I'll only regret it if I stay and not find out what the world outside of dance is like. I've been in the studio every day working hard since I could walk. Even if I was super sick; I worked my butt off every day. I've never just gone out to explore and see what it is like to be able to hang out with propel and make friends.

Mrs. Grey: You have friends here. This crew is your family.

You: And it always will be. I just need some time away. Thank you for all you've done for me, Mrs. Grey. You're the best dance teacher I've ever had. Truly, I mean it.

Mrs. Grey smiles a tiny bit under her frown.

Mrs. Grey: Well, I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for....

You: Thank you.

You leave and drive back home. Once you get home, you go up to your bedroom and start to take your computer out. Before you open it, you hear a knock on your door.

You: Come in.

Your aunt walks in.

Casie: Your dance teacher called me. You quit dance? Y/n, I can't even believe this. You've never taken a break from dance. Even when your mom and dad-

You: Please. I don't want to talk about that right now. I did take a break from dance for a while. I want to do some other stuff with my time for a while, and find new dreams.

Aunt Casie: Honey, I'm sad to see you stop dance like this. However, I am happy you want to follow your heart and do what makes you happy. Is this really what you want?

You: Yes, aunt Casie. I want it so bad.

Aunt Casie: Okay. Then I love you, whatever decision you make.

You: Thanks aunt Casie. Means a lot.

Aunt Casie kisses your head.

Aunt Casie: Now get some sleep.

Aunt Casie walks out of your bedroom door. You open your laptop before you go to bed and check Twitter. You scroll through for a while until you notice a direct message notification. You open it and see a message from Grayson Dolan. Your heart starts beating super fast and your whole body freezes. It takes you a while to actually open it because you are so shocked. You finally decide to open it and read it.

Grayson Dolan:
"Hello y/n! First I wanted to say, thank you so much for your love and support. It means the world to me and Ethan. We love you for it! ❤ Secondly, E and I wanted to congratulate you on winning our big announcement!!! We are going to fly you out here to Los Angeles, California this Friday. We can't wait to meet you. 😊 Lots of love, Ethan and Grayson."

You close the computer laptop and scream in excitement. Aunt Casie and your brother run in panicking.

Aunt Casie: What?! What's wrong????!

You: Nothing! You know that big announcement that the Dolan twins are doing where they are flying a found out to meet them and hang out with them in their warehouse???

Aunt Casie: No way. Did you win?

You: I sure did! I am SOOO excited!!

Aunt Casie: When do they want to fly you out?

You: This Friday.

Aunt Casie: THIS FRIDAY?? That's two days from now!

You: I know, can I please go and Casey??? I can get everything packed and ready by then. Please!!?

Aunt Casie: I guess that's fine.

You: Thank you! Thank You! Thank you!

You get off your bed and run up to Aunt Casie and give her a big hug. She hugs back and laughs. She goes out of your room and you decide to message Gray back.

"Omg, I am so excited! I can't wait to meet you!!"

You put your laptop away and fall asleep smiling.

Wow! Lucky you! You get to be flown out to LA to meet the Dolan Twins. Find out what happens next in chapter two of "These Boys of Mine".

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