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Your POV; I can't wait to surprise Ethan with his dream camera for our one year anniversary. I hope he loves it just as much as I love him!

You walk into the warehouse and meet Ethan in the editing room. You walk in with a big smile on your face and something behind your back. Ethan looks at you from his seat and smiles.

Ethan: What do you got there?

You: Happy one year baby.

You hand Ethan his gift. He unwraps it to reveal a camera. His jaw drops as he looks at you.

Ethan: Are you serious?

You giggle.

You: I'm serious. Do you like it?

Ethan: Omg, I love it! I don't even know what to say. Thank you so much babe.

Ethan smiles and hugs you tight.

Ethan: I almost forgot....I have your gift too...

You: Yay! I can't wait to see it.

Ethan: Me neither.

Ethan smiles and kisses you softly.

Ethan: Now, Grayson will escort you towards your gift.

You look at the door and see Grayson smiling and waiting for you.

Ethan: I'll see you at the end of the scavenger hunt.

He winks at you as you go with Grayson. You and Gray walk out of the editing room into another room in the warehouse.

Grayson: So you excited for this?

You: Super. I want to know what it is!already!

You both laugh. You walk into the room and see a beautiful rose next to a computer with a video ready to play on it. You press play and see a recording of Ethan talking to you.

Ethan - Hey y/n. I just want you to know that I love you. I love our relationship. I love our ups. I love our Downs. I love how strong our relationship is. I love us. I love you. I hope that this gift is as enjoyable for you as it was for me setting it up. Have fun on the rest of the scavenger hunt.

You smile big.

You: Awww.

Grayson: He's a sweetheart, haha.

Gray takes you to the next place in the warehouse where there's a make up artist and hair dresser. They do your make up and put your hair in a beautiful, curled ponytail with some hair sticking out. After they are finished, they hand you a note from Ethan.

Ethan - Y/n, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my entire life. Even though you don't need make up or amazing hair to look stunning, you deserve to be pampered like the princess you truly are. I love you....

You: Wow. Thank you so much, I love it!

They smile at you as you walk out with Gray and head to the next place in the warehouse.

Grayson: Last place for here....

You walk into another room and see a BEAUTIFUL, long, flowy, strapless, ocean blue dress (picture above).

You put it on and show Grayson.

Grayson: Wow, you look beautiful, y/n.

You: Thank you so much, Grayson.

He then escorts you to his car and drives you to the next place.

You: Sooo, where are we going?

Grayson: You'll see.

You smile at him.

You: This is amazing.

Grayson: Before this happens, I want you to know that when I let you go so you could be with Ethan, that was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I'm glad I did.

You: Thank you Grayson. I love you Gray. You've always been there for me and E and I really appreciate it.

Grayson: I love you guys so much.

You start to feel butterflies as he drives because it sounds like things are getting serious.

He pulls over at the beach. He then gets out and opens your door for you. You step out and see Ethan in a tuxedo over by the ocean. You smile and run up to him. You jump into his arms and he spins you around and kisses you.

Ethan: Wow. I mean. Just wow. You look amazing.

You: All because of you.

Ethan: All because you're just beautiful.

Ethan smiles at you and watches you smile.

Ethan: How did I get so dang lucky?

You blush. Ethan kisses you again.

Ethan: Y/n, I love you so much and I don't know what I would do without you in my life. You are my light and you are what I crave. I've never met anyone like you. You're everything I've ever wanted. There aren't words to describe my love for you. You are so special to me. You make me happy and I want to be with you for the rest of my life.

He takes a deep breath and pulls something out of his pocket as he gets down on one knee.

You gasp and cover your mouth with your hands, because you already know what's going on.

Ethan smiles at you.

Ethan: Y/n, would you make me the luckiest man on earth and marry me?

You start to cry.


He slips the beautiful diamond ring on your finger as he stands back up. You grab his face and kiss him passionately. Grayson claps as you guys kiss.

Your POV; One lucky day turned into being able to marry the man of my dreams. I am so thankful I made the decision to come back to Los Angeles with Ethan.

You start to feel someone rubbing your face. You open your eyes and you see Ethan smiling at you with a tray of food in his hands.

You: What's this?

Ethan: I made you breakfast in bed. You were smiling in your sleep, what were you dreaming about?

You look down at your diamond ring and smile.

You: The same thing I've dreamed about since it happened. When you asked me to marry you.

Ethan: I'm so glad you said yes. I can't wait to marry you.

He kisses you.

You: And I can't wait to marry you, Ethan Dolan.



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