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You and E are in his car.  He has been driving for about ten minutes.  You look over at him and start smiling.

Your POV; I can't believe this is real life.  I mean, a few days ago I was a teenage girl who loved the Dolan Twins and spent my days in the studio, dancing.  Now I'm here with the boys I have been crazy about for so long and I get to spend a whole day with Ethan.  Gosh....he is SO cute.

Ethan: Whatcha thinking about?

Ethan looks at you and smirks.

You: Uh-just how excited I am to see what we are doing today.

Ethan: Ah, well today will be all a surprise.  So, I guess you'll just have to wait and see.

You: It's a good thing I love surprises.

Ethan smiles as he watches the road.  You watch out the window as he drives.

You: Hey, it's been like 40 minutes.  Are we almost there?

Ethan: Yup.  We are actually about to pull in now. 

Ethan pulls into a parking lot.

You: The zoo?

Ethan: Yup.  I wasn't going to come here at first, because Gray's allergic to a lot of animals.  But now it's just you and I today.

You: I'm allergic to animals too....

Ethan: Oh my gosh, are you serious?  I'm so sorry, I had no id-

You interrupt him with laughter.

Ethan: What's so funny?

You: I'm totally kidding!  But you are SO sweet.  

Ethan: Wow, you scared me.

You laugh while Ethan holds his hand on his chest.  You lay your head on his shoulder.

You: I'm sorry E.

Ethan wraps his arms around you.

Ethan: It's okay.  That was pretty good.

You both laugh.  You guys get out of the car and get your tickets for the zoo.  Once you get in, you start looking around.  You guys look at some animals and admire them.  You look at the monkeys.

You: Ooh, I love monkeys!! 

Ethan: Do you want a picture with them?

You: Yes please!!

Ethan: Okay. Here, you stand in front of them and I'll take it.

You stand in front of the monkeys and do your best monkey impression. 

Ethan is taking a picture when a kind man walks by.  He stops and starts talking to Ethan.

Man: Would you like me to take a picture of both of you?

Ethan: That would be awesome! Thank you.

Ethan stands next to you and you both make your best money impressions.  The man laughs and hands the phone back to Ethan.

Man: You guys make a lovely couple.

You: Oh, we're not...

Ethan laughs.

Man: Have a nice rest of your day.

Ethan: You too.

You: Thank you again.

You and E move on to look at more animals.

You: I can't believe he thought we were a couple.

Ethan looks down at you as you're walking.

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