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That next morning, you get out of bed and get ready. Once you're cleaned up and ready, you go into the kitchen and you see Ethan sleeping on the couch.

Your POV; Aww, he's such a cute sleeper.

You grab yourself some coffee. Grayson walks in.

Grayson: Good morning.

Grayson gives you a big smile and you smile back.

You: Morning.

Grayson looks over at Ethan sleeping.

Grayson: Wow, he sleeps so much and he's such a deep sleeper. Wanna try and wake him up with me?

You: Sure, haha.

You and Gray walk over to the couch Ethan is sleeping on. Gray gently shakes Ethan's shoulder.

Grayson: Wake up bro.

Ethan just groans a little and keeps his eyes shut.

You: I'm a heavy sleeper myself. I know a way to get him up. My brother does it to me all the time.

You jump on top of Ethan.


Ethan groans loudly and opens his eyes. He looks at you and tries not to smile.

Ethan: Seriously??

You: Time to wake up, E.

You wink at him. Ethan smiles at you.

Ethan: Fineeee.

Ethan gets up and gets ready.

You and Gray sit on the couch and visit for a bit while E is getting ready.

Grayson: So we are filming our video today and helping you out with a dance video.

You: Wow, busy day.

Grayson: But at least we get to spend it with you.

Grayson puts his hand on your thigh and smiles.

Your POV; Wow, Grayson is cute and sweet. But I think I have a crush on Ethan.....

Ethan comes out.

Ethan: You guys ready to head over to the warehouse?

You and Gray: Yeah!

You get in Ethan's car and drive over to the warehouse. Once you get there, they set everything up for filming.

You: Soooo, what is it we are filming?

Grayson: We thought maybe a Q&A, so our fans can ask a little about you.

You: Sounds cool!

After they are finished setting up, you three sit on a couch and start filming.

Ethan: Hey guys! We're back!

Grayson: And for today's video, we have a special guest.

You are sitting in between them and you smile and wave.

You: Hiiiii, I'm y/n!

Grayson: Today we are doing a Q&A.

Ethan: We tweeted asking for you guys to ask Gray and I some questions and also some questions for y/n to answer.

The questions all start off easy and you guys answer them and laugh as you go along.

Grayson: Okay, this question asks "I saw the photos of Ethan and y/n. They are super cute. Is (yours and Ethan's ship name) real???"

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