The Warehouse

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You feel a tap on your shoulder and you turn around to see Grayson. You drop your bags and jump into his arms. He lifts you off the floor and spins your around while holding you tight. You are filled with so much excitement, you almost cry. But you manage to keep it together.

Grayson: Hi y/n! It's so nice to finally meet you in person. Ethan is pulling the car up.

You: Okay!

You smile at him and he smiles back. His smile melts your heart.

Grayson: Here, let me grab your bags.

You: Oh, thank you.

Grayson grab your bags from your hands and you guys start walking out of the airport. As you are walking side-by-side, Grayson grabs your hand and interlocks it with his. His hand is smooth and very warm. You feel so special and overwhelmed at the same time. Once you get out of the airport, Ethan is out there waiting at the car for you. You run up to him and give him a big hug. He hugs you really tight and holds you close for what feels like forever.

Ethan: I'm so glad you're here!

You: So am I!!!

After you break the hug, Ethan opens the door for you while Grayson puts your bags in the trunk. Ethan gets in the driver's seat, you're in the passenger seat and Grayson is in the back.

Ethan: You hungry?

You: Very!

Ethan laughs.

Ethan: Okay. Do you like pizza?

You: I LOVE pizza!

Grayson: Have you ever had pineapple pizza?

You: Would you hate me if I said I have never had it before?

Grayson and Ethan both laugh.

Ethan: That's okay. But you have to try it! It's amaaaazzzingggg.

You: I'd love to try it!

Grayson: I'll call in an order and we can pick it up on the way to the warehouse.

Grayson makes the phone call. Ethan looks over at you and smiles. You put your head down and blush. Ethan smiles more and grabs your hand. He holds it the whole drive to the pizza place. When Ethan stops at the pizza place, Grayson gets out to go get it. While he's gone, Ethan keeps holding your hand.

Ethan: I'm sorry if I sound like a boomerang, but I'm so thankful you're here. I'm glad I got to meet you and I get to hang out with you.

You: Ethan, I am beyond excited to hang out with you and Gray. You have no idea. You guys seem like SO much fun to be around.

Ethan: Well, this weekend will be amazing I can tell you that.

Ethan gives your hand a slight queeze and he smiles at you. Grayson gets back in the car and Ethan drives to the warehouse. Once you get there, you all go in. They show you around.

Your POV; Wow, this looks even cooler than it does in the videos!

You: I love it! This is where you guys spend most of your time?

Grayson: A lot of it, yeah.

You: So cool.

Ethan and Grayson both smile at you.

Ethan: Shall we dig into this pizza?

You and Grayson: Yes please!

You all sit at a table and Ethan hands out a slice to everyone. They both watch you as you take your first bite.

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