The DM

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You wake up the next day and already start packing your bags for LA. You are filled with excitement for what is to come. You finally are able to meet the two boys who changed your life and two boys who you love so much. After a couple hours of packing, you pop on your bed and just smile. You decide to check your twitter. You open your laptop and log into Twitter. You see that you have another new direct message. You open it and your heart drops into your stomach once again. Except this time, it's a message from Ethan Dolan. You decide to open it up and read it.

Ethan Dolan:
Hello y/n. 😊 I know my brother messaged you already, but I just wanted to say that I am so excited to meet you and hang out with you.

You start crying tears of joy. You can't believe this. You decide to take a change in life and now both the Dolan Twins are messaging you AND you get to go meet them and hang out with them. What a couple of days! You then message Ethan back.

Hi Ethan! I can't even put into words how excited I am for this. I can't thank you enough for this, really.

You send the message and smile at your computer for a good few minutes. You start to feel hungry, so you get up and head for your bedroom door to go get something to eat from the kitchen. Right as you're walking out the door you hear a notification on your computer. You stopped for a second before turning around.

Your POV; No. It couldn't be....

You run back to your bed and look at the computer. You see that Ethan already messaged you back.

Ethan Dolan:
Thank YOU for wanting to hang with a couple of goofballs. 😉❤

You smile again and jump up and down. You then message him back.

Who wouldn't want to hang out with two of the most amazing people ever?? ❤

You send the message and go downstairs for breakfast. Once you get down there, you see aunt Casie cooking some eggs.

Casie: Good morning sweetie. How'd you sleep?

You: Not a lot, but my night and morning were already SO perfect.

Casie: Glad to hear hun.

Casie smiles at you as she gives you some eggs.

You: Thank you, aunt Casie.

You eat your breakfast and go back upstairs to pack some more. After all, you are leaving tomorrow morning. You pack up and listen to music. You're dancing and singing all over your bedroom when finally, you're finished packing. You lay in your bed and relax for a few minutes. You go back on Twitter and see that Grayson Dolan commented on your recent #TuesdaySelfie. The comment says "gorgeous 😍". You are in total shock. You can't believe that Grayson Dolan just called you beautiful. Your comment back by saying parentheses "thank you so much @GraysonDolan". You put your laptop down and fall asleep. You wake up and it's already night out. Aunt Casie walks into your bedroom.

Aunt Casie: Hey honey, make sure you have all your stuff ready for tomorrow morning. We are heading for the airport pretty early tomorrow. Get some sleep too.

You: Way ahead of ya!

You wink at her and she laughs. She walks out of your bedroom and you go back to sleep for the night.

You wake up the next morning feeling refreshed. Also exclamation! So excited!! Today is the day you get to meet the Dolan twins! You get out of bed and go to the bathroom to get ready. You curl your hair and put on a little bit of makeup to give yourself a natural but beautiful look. You go back to your bedroom and put on a dark pink sweatshirt with black jeggings and your black and white vans. You brush your teeth and head downstairs. As soon as you get down there, and Casie is already in the kitchen drinking her coffee.

Aunt Casie: You should eat before we leave.

You: Sorry aunt Casie, I'm too nervous to eat.

Aunt Casie giggles and hugs you.

Aunt Casie: Alright kiddo. Let's go.

Before you walk out the door, Jack comes running up behind you and gives you a big hug.

Jack: I'm gonna miss you so much!

You squat down to his level and hug him.

You: Take care of aunt Casie, okay?

Jack: Okay y/n.

You smile at him and get up. You and aunt Casie walk out the door and drive to the airport. The whole drive, you can't speak, you have butterflies, you have anxiety, you feel an adrenaline rush and you are just flat out nervous. Once you arrive there, aunt Casie helps you with your bags and then walks you up to the gates.

Aunt Casie: This is where I stop honey.

You give her a nervous look. She hugs you.

Aunt Casie: You got this honey. This will be so much fun. It's what you've wanted for so long.

You: I know. Thank you, aunt Casie. For everything.

Aunt Casie: I love you sweetheart. Have fun.

You: I love you too. Thank you.

You wave bye to her as she walks away. You sit at your gate and anxiously wait for your flight. You hear your phone buzz. You check it and it's a Twitter message from E. You open it up.

Ethan Dolan:

You smile and that makes you feel a little less nervous. Finally it's time to board the plane. You get in and find your seat. You sit back and watch out the window because you got a window seat. The flight lasts about 3 hours. Once it lands, you grab your bags and get off slowly with the line of people. You check your phone and see a Twitter message from Gray.

Grayson Dolan:
We are waiting for you at the baggage claim ❤❤

You smile and take a deep breath to calm yourself down. Once you're finally off the plane, you walk through the gates. You get to baggage claim and look around. The place is super crowded and you can't see the twins anywhere. Suddenly, you feel a tap on your shoulder.

To be continued.....

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