Meredith Mickelson?

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You and Grayson walk into their apartment and see Ethan with a girl.

Grayson: Meredith?!

Ethan and Meredith look at you and Gray.

You: Who's this?

Grayson: It's Meredith Mickelson. Her and E were together for while, until things went downhill and she broke his heart. What is she doing here, Ethan??

Meredith: Look, I know this sounds crazy, but I'm here to apologize for all I've done and I was hoping to work things out with Ethan. And you too, Gray.

Grayson: It's too late for that, Meredith. Can you please leave now?

Meredith: Please. Just listen. I made a mistake with you, Ethan. I should never have let you go. I love you.

Grayson: Meredith, we don't want drama with you but I think it's best you're not in our lives. So now...please leave.

Meredith: No disrespect Grayson, but I believe Ethan has a say in this.

Everyone looks at Ethan. Ethan looks overwhelmed. He looks over at you for a few seconds. Meredith sees and gives you a dirty look.

Meredith: Wait. Who's this?

She points to you.

Ethan: This is y/n. Gray and I flew her in to hang out and make a video with us.

Meredith chuckles.

Meredith: Oh, so you're a fangirl?

You: I guess you can say that...

Ethan: Meredith, stop. I thought you came here to work things out.

Meredith: I did. I really did. I know it's out of nowhere, but I've been thinking about you a lot. Can we please talk things over? Over coffee tomorrow morning?

Grayson: Don't do it, E.

Ethan: It's okay Grayson. Meredith, I'll talk it over with you over coffee tomorrow morning.

Meredith smiles at Ethan and he slightly smiles back.

Meredith: Thank you so much! I'll see you tomorrow.

Meredith kisses Ethan on the cheek and leaves. On her way out, she looks at you and give you an evil smirk.

Grayson slams the door.

Ethan: Whoa, Gray. Calm down.

Grayson: Calm down??? E, you know I'm not one to judge you or make any decisions for you, but I know now badly Meredith hurt you and it took you a while to recover. Now she's back and you're falling right into her trap.

Ethan: Thanks Grayson, but I'm okay. I can handle myself.

Ethan looks at you and you quickly look down and try to hide your frown.

You: Uh, I have to get up early tomorrow to catch my flight. I should get some sleep.

Grayson: Do you need anything before you go to bed?

You look at Ethan.

You: No, I don't anything.

Ethan's POV; I can see the anger and sadness she feels just by looking in her eyes.....

You go to the room and pack up your stuff. You get ready for bed and lay down in the bed. You scroll through your phone for a while. You hear a knock on the door.

You: Come in.

Grayson walks in and smiles at you.

You: Hey.

Grayson: Hey. Can I talk to you?

You: Sure.

Grayson comes in and closes the door behind him. He gets next to you in the bed.

You: So what's up?

Grayson: You know I want you to be happy right?

You: Of course. Thank you for that.

Grayson: You also know I want Ethan to be happy and I want the best for both of you, right?

You: Yeah?...

Grayson: Well, I can't lie. I do like you a lot and I think you're an amazing girl. I want to be with you and call you mine. I want it a lot.

You: Gray-

Grayson: Please don't interrupt me...this is hard and I have to get it out...

You: Okay.

Grayson: I know Ethan likes you and it's clear that you feel the same way about him. You make him happy and I want him to be happy. I want to ask you something. I already know the answer, but I want to hear it from you.

Grayson takes a deep breath.

Grayson: Do you want to be with him?

You pause for a few seconds.

You: Yes, I do. I really like him and I feel a connection him and I.

Grayson looks a little sad.

You: I'm sorry, Grayson.

Grayson: No, don't be. I want you to be happy and I don't see you as any less amazing. Just please promise me you'll always be my friend?

You grab his hand and smile.

You: Always.

Grayson smiles and kisses your cheek.

Grayson: Good night, y/n.

You: Good night, Grayson.

Grayson gets up and leaves. You lay back in bed and try to fall asleep

Your POV; I do really like Ethan, but he is meeting Meredith tomorrow and still totally avoiding me. I don't think anything could ever happen......

Grayson walks out into the living room and sits next to Ethan on couch.

Ethan: Just say it.

Grayson: Alright. Are you seriously going out with Meredith tomorrow?

Ethan: I want to hear what she has to say.

Grayson: Come on, E. Don't be blind. There's a girl in that bedroom right over there who is crazy about you and wants to be with you and I KNOW you have feelings for her. As much as you want to hide it, you want to be with her. You have the chance what are you waiting for bro?

Ethan: Gray, I already talked to you about this. I don't want to hurt her

Grayson: Well, it's probably too late for that. You need to open your eyes E.

Grayson gets up and goes to his bedroom.

Ethan's POV; What am I doing? He's right. I am trying to avoid my feelings for y/n so I don't hurt her and all I'm really doing is hurting her. And now I'm letting Meredith back into my life...what's the matter with me? I know what I should be doing with my life and I'm done being scared. It's time I take a chance....

To be continued......

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