The Final Chapter

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• Just wanted to say a few things before you read this chapter! First of all, thank you for reading this fan-faction story, I really appreciate you guys. Secondly, you decided to go to Los Angeles and carry out your dance career. You have been there for a little over a year now. You have your own apartment and Ethan stays over every now and then. Now, enjoy!

~ Now let's start ~

You get out of bed after eating the breakfast Ethan made for you. You take a shower and go to your wardrobe to find some clothes for the day. You decide on a black and white striped t-shirt dress with white Adidas sneakers. You then go to your vanity and take all of your make up out. You do a natural look and you put your hair up in a messy bun and put your glasses on (cute stylish ones 😂).

You come out of your bedroom and see Ethan sitting on your couch on his phone. You smile and walk over to him. Ethan looks at you and smiles. He opens his arm signaling you to cuddle up next to him. You smile and cuddle up to him.

Ethan: You're really cute, you know that?

You: You're cute.

You smile and look up at him. He smiles back and kisses you. Then he starts attacking your face with kisses. You giggle.

Then your phone starts ringing. You look at it and see you're getting a call from Rachel.

Ethan: Who's Rachel?

You: An old friend I use to dance with...she was my dance teacher's daughter. We were basically best friends until she stopped talking to me and ignored me out of nowhere.

Ethan: Well, it looks like she wants to mend things.

You: I guess so.

You guys stare at the phone while it rings.

Ethan: Sooo, maybe you should answer it...

You: Maybe...

You answer it.

You: Uh, hello?

Rachel: Oh my gosh, y/n! I can't believe you picked up! How have you been??

You: I've been well...I am actually surprised you called...

Rachel: Well, I've been seeing you and your dancing all over social media. And I see you're engaged now??? To Ethan Dolan???!!

You: Uh, yeah! My life has changed a lot and things have been wonderful!

Rachel: Glad to hear. I was also calling because I'm coming down to LA in a couple of days to stay for a while and just get the feel of it all. We should meet!

You: Wow, you'll love it!

You look at E and smile.

You: I've definitely fallen in love with it.

Rachel: Oh, I'm sure I'll have a great time...see you soon.

You: Okay, bye!

You hang up and look at Ethan.

Ethan: I heard it all. Wow! That was crazy.

You: Really crazy. But I can't wait to see her and see how things have been. I miss her.

Ethan: I'm happy you, baby. I'm happy for us. This new chapter in our lives is going to be amazing.

You smile at him. He kisses you softly.

Ethan: Well, let's go do something fun today!

You: Beach?

Ethan: That's why I love you.

The end....for now.

• Things are happy and paradise is real between these love birds. The next chapter in your lives as an engaged couple getting ready for a wedding is going to be amazing and a dream come true....or does someone have other plans?

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