7: Real Life

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Tom looked up from his phone in his hand, a wide smile appearing on his face as he seen Rachel a few meters in front of him.

Immediately, they both went forward and enveloped each other in a hug as if they hadn't seen each other in years. They had been texting non stop over the past week, getting super close and now they were finally together for the next few months.

Tom sighed in satisfaction as the two pulled away, cheesy smiles on both of them as they looked up and down at each other. He couldn't help but admire how pretty she was as she did the same, her face heating up from the attention of his gazing eyes.

"Hi." Rachel laughed, looking up at him.

"Hey." Tom laughed back, grabbing her suitcases as they made their way to a special car that he arrived in from the set.

The two jumped into conversation, Rachel trying to hide her giddiness of the whole thing as she watched the streets of Atlanta ride by. She was slightly nervous to meet the rest of the cast but Tom assured her it would all go down fine.

"They already love you, what could go wrong?" He furrowed his dark brows, trying to think of anything that could actually go wrong.

Rachel shrugged. "I could totally embarrass myself. Or what if I say something stupid?"

Tom grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "I promise, they're all great. I've only know them a tiny bit longer than you, and they treat me like family. Trust me."

Rachel nodded, her nerves calming a bit as she pulled out her phone to post something on Instagram.

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