76: Private

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Rachel Williams unblocked Tom H!

Tom H.
i'm sorry

i know

Tom H.
it was one of the first nights
we were back, the night
i went out with harrison

we went to a club and she was
there but i don't remember even
speaking to her

harrison reckons she drugged
my drink to make me drowsy
hence why i went straight to sleep
when i got back, even though it
was super early

there's absolutely nothing right
about what i did and if i could take
back everything i ever had to do
with Ellen, i would
she put our relationship at risk for
herself and i did too
i can't forgive myself for what i did
and it makes me feel fucking sick
so i don't expect you to either

i just want you to know that it was all
a mistake and i wouldn't ever purposely
ruin us for her or anyone for that matter, because my god Rachel you're the best thing
that's ever happened to me and i could never
let you go, no matter how hard i tried

i want to forgive you, so bad
but i feel like i'm letting
myself down
there's nothing
i want more than to go back
to the way we were, but i
don't want to be one
of those girls that
always go running back to
the same guy no matter
how much he's hurt her
i've never been that sort of
girl before, and god you mean
so much to me but i don't
know if i can let myself do
this again

Tom H.
i don't know what i
can say or do to make you change
your mind
there's nothing more i want than
to call you mine again, but if you don't
want that anymore, that's ok. I
fucked us up, a lot, and that
shouldn't be forgotten.
These past 6 months have meant
everything to me, despite our
stupid arguments and small bumps
in the road, and they'll stay with me forever.
You're one of the most amazing
people i've ever met, you're kind, smart,
funny, beautiful and you have the biggest
heart. Maybe one day we'll end up
together again, but until then,
no matter what happens to us,
just know that i'll always love you.
you deserve everything Rachel,
and i'm sorry i couldn't give you that❤

thank you Tom, i love you too

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