64: Real Life

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Music was blaring through the speakers of whatever club they were in. It was bustling with faced, all familiar faces as the Civil War after party continued through the night.

The majority of the cast were sitting near each other, conversing over the loud music, Harrison joining Tom as he struggled to find you over the loud music.

"Haz!" Tom shouted in his ear.

He turned from Lizzie to aid the brunette. "Yeah?" He shouted back.

"Have you seen Rachel?"

Harrison looked at Lizzie who was listening before they both shook their heads, Tom sighing. He wasn't responsible for her, and she had told him that on their way to the venue, because it was his night just as much as hers and he shouldn't babysit her. He agreed, even though they both knew he'd be keeping an eye out.

Suddenly, someone plonked themselves onto Tom's lap, a familiar head of hair covering his eyesight. The female reeked of alcohol, a scent he wasn't used to.

"Tommy," Rachel laughed, wrapping an arm around her boyfriend who had a firm grip on her waist to stop her from falling.

He smiled a little at her drooping eyelids. "Yeah, babe?"

"You can't tell anyone this, okay?" She pushed a finger to his lips, him nodding his head in agreement.

She sighed. "I just, I love this boy, okay? He's so beautiful and talented and kind, and when I think about him he makes me want to cry because he's the best thing that ever happened to me, you know? He makes me laugh, and he cares about me like no one else ever has, and I love him so fucking much, it hurts."

His heart beat rapidly as he swore he could see tears brimming over her eyes, a hand instinctively brushing a piece of hair out her face to wipe away any stray tears. The action made Rachel gasp loudly.

"Oh my god, I was on your lap! And I have a boyfriend! I'm the worst girlfriend ever." She cried again, confirming that she was in fact, an emotional drunk.


A few more hours went by as Rachel laid off the alcohol. She danced with Tom a lot, and her, Lizzie and Scarlett could hardly keep off the dancefloor as they slowly became more and more intoxicated. Tom sat with a beer in his hand at a table to the side of the floor, a Harrison to his left and a to his right.

He watched as Rachel swung her hips to the music, no matter how drunk she was as she danced, her voice hardly being heard as she sang along to the words loudly with Lizzie. She looked happy, happier than ever and it made Tom smile. He couldn't get over that he was her boyfriend.

The two boys to his side laughed at his daydream state, watching him stare admiringly at his girlfriend that was meters in front of them. Harrison wouldn't admit it, but he was jealous of Tom having such a secure and happy relationship. He was beyond happy that Tom was happy, though.

Rachel made eye contact with her boyfriend in his seat, sipping his beer as she waved at him. He immediately smiled back, winking at her as she winked back.

"I love you." She mouthed at him, making a heart sign with her fingers.

"I love you too." He mouthed back, sitting back in the uncomfortable chair.


"So like, why did Steve do that? Why would he keep Bucky's secret from Tony? Who does that? Tony did everything for Steve and he just.. he just threw it all away!" Rachel cried for the 4th time that night in the back of the yellow cab, clutching Tom as he rubbed her back gently, hushing her to calm down while Harrison filmed her emotional state.

The repeating hand motions from Tom sent the girl straight to sleep, laughing at her sudden quietness that he hadn't heard all night.

Even when she wasn't talking, everything about her just made Tom happy.

Scarlet Hearts♡ T.HOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz