16: Real Life

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"Hey Rach?" Chris shouted up the breakfast table.

She looked up from her ready made pancakes. "Yeah?"

"Could you grab my phone in one of the trailers over there? I think I forgot it there this morning." He smiled at her.

She nodded, getting up from the bench and making her way to the couple of trailers off to the side of the set, making her way into the first one.

"Phone, phone, phone." Rachel muttered to herself as she flicked through random papers that sat on the small desk in the average sized trailer. It smelled of boy, and a few pieces of clothing lay messily around the floor.

She didn't know who's trailer it was as there was no name on the door, but it didn't phase her as she continued to look for Chris' cell.

Her eyes caught a picture of Tom and a cute little boy stuck to the mirror on the wardrobe and her brown eyes widened, her attention being ripped from the photo as a ruckus came from outside.

The door swung open and a familiar boy walked in, his brown hair curly and flat against his head. He was glued to his phone, the slam and lock of the door snapping him out of his trance.

The two looked at each other, unsure of what to say. Rachel stood awkwardly, not knowing how to start a conversation without looking or sounding weird.

"I'm sorry." Tom blurted out.

She took a step towards his tense figure that was sporting Peter Parker's introduction scene clothes.

She glanced at him. "I'm sorry, too."

"Why are you apologising? You've not done anything." Tom asked, confused.

Rachel shrugged. "I was over the top, and I can't even remember why I was mad at you in the first place."

He let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding, a gentle smile sitting on his face as he fiddled with the sleeves of his jumper.

"I, uh... I didn't mean to come across that horrible. I had a bad history with my ex, and I guess I felt a bit pressured and -"

She smiled. "Lizzie told me. Don't worry about it, nobodies pressuring you to do anything. What you feel comfortable with is what's most important. If you don't want them teasing us, I'll ask them to stop."

Tom's head snapped up. "No! No, it's not that. You know what, lets just forget about the pressuring bit."

"Tom, it's okay. Nobody has an obligation to like someone back. I can't blame you for not feeling the same way, and I can understand why you wouldn't like it if people were forcing you into something."

"Wait, you like me?"

It was Rachel's turned to be confused, her eyebrows furrowing. "Uh, yeah? I kinda thought that's why we fell out."

Tom stood silently as he looked at the girl in front of her. Her long, dark brown hair sat straight down her back and her makeup was freshly done, ready for their scene which was being shot first. He thought she looked beautiful, but he wouldn't say that. Especially not face to face.

Rachel internally cringed at his blank state. "I'm sorry. I probably just made things really awkward. God, I'm such an idiot. I'm just gonna go, sorry for..being weird."

She walked around his stiff posture, mentally cursing herself out for being so awkward and annoying. She was hoping he would've said something.

"You know, the least you could do is say something, instead of embarrassing me, again."

Tom snapped out of his daze, turning round to grab her wrist, but she was already gone.

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