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3rd Person POV ~ A Wolfstar Oneshot

James and Sirius were walking to their next class after Potions, which was DADA. They brushed past the people in the crowded halls and entered the classroom, taking seats at the very back.

"Man, I hope todays lesson is intresting, mate. I almost fell asleep last time." James said, shaking his head.

"That might have been because you stayed up all night, Prongs." Sirus laughed.

"Maybe, but its just because this class is boring." James argued.

"Alright class, pull out your books and turn to page 246. Read chapters 18 and 19." Professor said. Lazily, James and Sirius pulled out their books. Sirius glanced up at Peter and Remus, who already had their books cracked open, eyes scanning the pages.

"Padfoot, this is boring." James complained, flicking pages to try and find 246.

"It is, Prongs." Sirius said, and then a though occurred to him. "Hey, lets ditch this class."

"Good idea, but how do we get out of here?" James said, then felt stupid. "Right, duh. My cloak."

"There you go." Sirius patted him on the back. James shuffled through his bag, then quietly pulled out his cloak. Lucky for them, the door was already cracked open. They ducked under the desk, and James threw the cloak over them. James and Sirius tip-toed out from under the desk, and quietly opened the door further and slipped out.

"Where should we go?" James asked Sirius, who was already walking towards the courtyard.

"The courtyard of course. No teachers patrolling there during classes." Sirius said, and they walked into the courtyard. Looking left and right, they flung the cloak out, and sat themselves under a tree.


"Wormy, where did James and Sirus go?" Remus asked, looking from their desk behind them to Peter.

"I have no idea. I heard them saying how boring this class was. But I have no clue where they went." Peter mumbled, still finishing the last chapter.

"I swear, when are they not up to trouble?" Remus laughed a little. Peter smiled, and shook his head. They both closed up their books at the same time.

"What are we supposed to do with that knowledge, Moony?" Peter asked, a little confused about why they had read about.

"Well, what you do with any other knowledge, of course. Keep it in here." Remus tapped his head.

"I know that! But, when will we ever need to use Unforgivable Curses?" Peter asked.

"I really hope we never will have to." Remus said, looking down at his feet.


"Hey, James. Can I tell you something?" Sirius asked, looking over at James, who was playing with his Snitch.

"Of course, thats what friends are for, right?" James smiled, catching his Snitch and putting it away.

"I think I like someone." Sirius said flat out. He felt relief for finally telling someone.

"Ooo, who's the lucky gal?" James asked, leaning in closer.

"No, Prongs, not gal." Sirius said, gulping.

"Mate, you never told me you were gay." James said, adjusting his glasses.

"I didn't realize until very recently, and your the only one that knows Prongs." Sirius said.

"Wow, well, then who's the lucky bloke?" James smiled. He was happy for his best friend, who couldn't take a smile off his face now.

"Moony." Sirius said, looking down at his feet, then at James.

"Really? Oh my god, this is amazing! You have got to tell him." James said, now smiling broadly.

"Umm, well the thing is, he isn't gay!" Sirus said.

"I thought you were straight, Padfoot." James said, patting Sirius on the back.


"Hey, Wormy, can I tell you something?" Remus said out of the blue.

"Sure, what's up?" Peter said, paying closer attention now.

"I think..." Remus chocked.

"Think what, Moony?" Peter said.

"Gay." Remus managed to get out.

"Your gay?" Peter tried to make sense of his words.

"Yes, I think so." Remus cracked a small smile.

"Thats amazing. I would like get up and do a happy dance, but we're in class." Peter laughed. Remus chuckled.

"Thanks for being there for me, mate." Remus said.

"Of course." Peter said.

"Alright class dismissed! Essays on my desk tommorow!" Professor said. Remus and Peter stood up, and walked out of class.

"I turned mine in three days ago." Remus laughed.


James and Sirius stood up when they saw kids filing out of classrooms.

"We should probably get going to Divination." James said, dragging Sirius along.

"Remember Prongs? Not taking that class anymore." Sirius shrugged.

"Right, well I will see you in Charms." James waved bye, and started for the tower. Sirius walked back inside, and spotted Remus and Peter coming out of DADA.

"Hey, guys." Sirius waved them down.

"Where did you go?" Remus said abruptly.

"James and I ditched. We got bored. We used the cloak to escape." Sirius confessed.

"Well, does that answer your question?" Peter said, poking Remus.

"Yes, yes it does." Remus said.

"Well, I have to go meet Prongs in Divination. Catch up with you guys later." Peter said, waving, then walking the same direction that James went.

"What did you guys even read about?" Sirius asked Remus as they walked towards Transfiguration.

"The Unforgivable curses. Weird, I know." Remus shrugged.

"Hey, Moony, follow me for just one second." Sirus said, seizing Remus wrist, and leading him towards a staircase, which nobody seemed to use anymore.

"What's up?" Remus asked, sitting down next to Sirius.

"I have to tell you something." Sirius said, his heart beating out of his chest.

"Okay, shoot." Remus said.

"I love you, Remus." Sirius said. A million tons was lifted up off his shoulders.

"I-I love you too." Remus said, and Sirius was shocked.

"Really?" Sirius said. But before either of them could say anything else, their lips were locked in a soft kiss.

"Does that answer your question?" Remus smiled, standing up, and walking back towards Transfiguration.

Sirius was awestruck. He smiled his biggest smile, and trailed along after Remus to class.

Based on fanart above. Credit to artist. Not my art.

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