Please, Come Outside

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Set in the 5th year of the Next-Gen era. Through Albus's perspective. A Scorbus fic. Enjoy.

I was always friend with Scorpius Malfoy. When we met that day on the Hogwarts Express, it seemed like we were just seeing each other again after a long break from each other. Just like old friend, falling into each other's arms after too long of a time. We grew so quickly to each other, so that's what it felt like. We fell in love so quickly, so that's what it felt like.


It was the week of the OWLS, and everyone was cramming in their studying for the many subjects they were taking that year. Nobody spent the night time outside anymore, they all cooped themselves up in their room so they could shove books up their noses so they could ace the test. But me? I didn't bother with all that studying. It was a) wasting my time and b) super nerdy. But Scorpius? Oh, he spent hours studying for the OWLS. We never went out anymore, we never took our walks on Wednesday afternoon like we had been doing ever since year one. He flushed that tradition down the drain. So, for his pay back, I bothered him all throughout his studying session.

I flopped down onto his bed, and all over his books and papers. "Hey, Scorpius, what's with all the books and papers?" The words came out less sarcastically than I wanted them to.

Scorpius sighed. "Al, how many times will I have to tell you to leave me alone when I'm studying!" He shouted. I stopped rolling on his papers.

I shifted my eyes from him, to his papers and books, and back to him. "Come on. Give it a rest. Please. You are so smart, you don't need to freak out. You'll ace it." I implied.

Scorpius looked at me for a second, and shook his head. "One, I need to study. Two, you just rolled all over my ink, so have fun getting that off your white shirt, Al." He disclosed, a slight smile cracking over his face.

I felt my face grow warm and get a sort of pinkish-red (at least that's how Scorpius describes it). "Well, I leave this boring studying to you while I change out of this shirt." I said, walking over to my bed, where my bag was thrown down along with my long, heavy robes and my striped green tie. I opened my trunk, shuffled through the mass amount of things I had shoved in there, and found a white button up, exactly replicating this one. I didn't bother closing the curtains around my 4-poster, because it was only Scorpius in here. All the other Slytherins were out having a grand old time. I unbuttoned my shirt, slid it off my arms, and tossed that one to the floor. I picked up the clean shirt and slid it on. I didn't even bother to button it up all the way.

Then, back to my job of tormenting Scorpius until he comes outside with me. I would go out with other friends, but sadly, Scorpius is the only one I really want to hang out with. Rose was cool and all, but we grew apart after school started. Also, her and Scorpius grossed me out.

I bent down to Scorpius's level, my shirt drooping down with me. "I'm back." I snickered.

Scorpius sighed. "You should probably clean that shirt before the ink drys, and you didn't leave the room, so I have a feeling you didn't get the ink off." He asserted, scratching his quill on the parchment. His handwriting was super neat and organized, unlike my chicken scratch.

I nodded slowly. "You're smart. What kind of spell can I use?" I inquired, meanwhile Scorpius mumbled an incantation, which then took all the ink off my shirt. "Magical. Thanks Scor."

Scorpius winked. "Any time. What are friends for?" Scorpius mumbled, a pinkness creeping up on his cheeks. I wondered to myself why was he getting so red? Then I realized, I was bent over with a half unbuttoned shirt. I stood upright again, and fumbled the buttons back into place. Scorpius looked up at me, and it was almost like he was going to reach his hand out and stop me, but he didn't. He just got even more red and looked down at his papers again.

I bent back down to his level, my top button still undone because nobody does that one up, and looked up at him through my eyelashes. "Now, come outside with me please." I pleaded. I stared right at him, then he looked up at me, and we locked eyes for a moment. Then, he looked away before the full moment was shared. His pupils were oddly dilated.

Scorpius stood up from his bed, and his posture was very fine. "Fine. Let's go." He adjusted his robes over him, tightened his tie, and nodded at me.

I grinned, grabbing his forearm and dragging him with me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I said, picking up the pace as we made our way up a set of tricky stairs. I could just feel Scor's nerdy aura radiating off him. If he wasn't so good at controlling his impulses, he would be running right back to dorm right now. I lead his right out to the courtyard, where we liked to spend lots of time just sitting and talking to each other. I took him to the tree we always sit at. As we sit down, I don't let go of his wrist.

When Scorpius sat down, he tensed up. "It's nice out today. Thanks for dragging me out here." Scorpius mumbled.

I leaned back against the tree. "Any time. You know, you are very boring when you study." I joked. He rested his head against the tree, close to mine.

He rolled his eyes. "Thanks." He said sarcastically.

I released my grip from his wrist, and slid my hand down to his hand. I intertwined my fingers with his, and squeezed his hand tightly. He squeezed my hand back. Scor rested his head on my shoulder, and I rested my head on his. We sat together like this for hours, when all the kids went back inside to finish their homework and studying. But, I made Scorpius stay and watch the sunset with me.

All you could hear then were crickets. Their chirping urged me to speak. I had to. "I love you." I blurted out. It was just like water flowing down a river. I just had to say it.

Before either of us could speak again, we pressed our lips together under the dark, night sky. The moon and the stars shone bright overtop of us.

When our lips separated, Scorpius spoke. "I love you too, Albus."


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