Chapter 2

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He's everywhere I go - I swear.

I made a new Wattpad profile because I couldn't block Gabe on it. He doesn't know about this profile. However, I feel like that in time he will. I also feel like I see him everywhere.

Like I work with this guy. I feel that he's working today like probably closing and I'll see him here.

I don't want to see him! He hurt me so much and it's hard to explain. It's complicated.

Then he posts a status on Facebook and is like: "Am I a bad person guys? This girl I like says I am." Like I'm tired of people posting random shit like this.

I can't eat or sleep not only because of Gabe but because of other issues. I didn't only change profiles because of him but for other reasons. I can be more honest through my vents and REAL knowing nobody knows who I am.

He doesn't even want to talk to me. I have called his phone countless times, messaged him on Facebook and What's app.

The truth is: I like Gabe. And I like Jack. I like both guys and I know I can't have it both ways but that's not something I can admit.

More truth: I'm embarrassed as hell to be around Gabe. He's so socially awkward like me but WORSE. He has something wrong with him but I still like like him if you know what I mean. The feeling is complicated...

I like Jack because he has common sense. He makes sense and we're both sarcastic together which is awesome!
He listens and understands me, whereas with Gabe I feel like I am talking to a brick wall. He is also so sensitive and would say irrelevant shit which annoys me. Half the shit that comes out of his mouth is utter garbage, rude, and highly offensive not only to myself but to others.
He has no filter, this guy. He doesn't think before acting or talking. He assumes the worst in me and assumes I'm lying when I'm not.

But I still love Gabe and it's just complicated.

At the moment, I'm on my way to his house to talk things out. I don't like being ignored and I will sit outside his house for hours - All night if I have to. One way or another, he will talk to me. And he can go ahead and involve the police but I do not care.

I already have this stupid ass peace bond on my file. So I must keep the peace and be of good behavior for a year. I literally have nothing to lose.

Even if he's not home, I will still sit outside his home.

I will take a risk and do what is right.

Talking it out is better in person rather than text. Just saying.

I'm so frustrated he's ignoring me. And I know I shouldn't care but like a part of me still cares about him and it's fucked up. Trust me.


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