Chapter 5

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Truth be told, I am bitter and so bitter that I don't care anymore. I'm starting to realize that nobody cares about me. Nobody appreciates me. I try so hard but it's not appreciated.

The STIGMA is real out there and I'm tired of these constant labels and judgments other seem to make of us. I'm tired of my manager talking shit about other people. I know I SHOULD NOT care but listening to that is highly annoying. 


My day at work sucked soooo much that I just don't know anymore. My day at work started all great until my manager started talking shit about other workers; he was calling them retarded and I couldn't do much. 

Sometimes I want to take the fish and bash him with it. I really do. I hate him soo much. He acts so tough but I know that deep down he does not have any man balls. He is the worst person to be alive and I am not surprised he is not married. He's actually divorced and I know the reason why: Because he's an anal prick (mind the language because I am super pissed). He does not understand someone else's emotions.

There I am trying to do my job to the best of my ability and he starts with all this negative talk. 

"Oh this person's retarded."

"All the people I hired are sooo dumb and pathetic."

Like Mr. Manager, keep your fucking comments/opinions to yourself because I don't care. Do your fucking job and then get home. I don't get paid enough to deal with YOU.

I even asked him politely to stop with all the negative talk because I didn't want to hear it. I said please and thank you, and tried ever so hard to be polite. However, he continued talking even when there were customers. 

He THINKS he has power over us part-timers. He's wrong in so many ways. 


He's the one working in a dead-end retail job as a fish manager. He stinks like fish every day with NO education. He's been working as a fish manager for twenty years. Now whose the loser? Not me. 

I wish he can see how stupid he appears to be. Nothing he says is ever appropriate. So I took it upon myself to report his ass because I don't need more negativity in my life. And he knows I reported him to the union representative at my workplace but like I don't care. 

He is not allowed to talk shit about other workers and he can go ahead and fire me but I got lots more experience than him. I have experience working at factories, daycares, and schools. I can find a job within a week because of my qualifications.

I feel sorry for this guy. Seriously. He's a single man who lives alone which is quite funny and the way he dresses is so ghetto, it's not even funny.

So now there'll probably be an investigation going on but that's alright because I stand for equality. 

I stand for dignity.

I stand for freedom of speech. 

We have the power to do WHAT we want, WHEN we want to and nobody can take our power back. I'm serious.


So I made a Facebook page regarding the stigma around mental health and for anyone interested, feel free to view, like, or even follow it! And also, if you could pleaseeee spread this page around, that would be awesome! 

Here's the link:


So Delicate Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt