Chapter 17

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The bathroom door stall bangs shut as I walk towards the sinks. School has been dragging all day and I figured a quick visit to the restroom would help me wake up a little more. I wash my hands while staring at my reflection in the dirty mirror. This morning, I decided to be different and curl my hair, which later earned me a lot of compliments. The only compliment I didn't like was Aunt Kate saying I looked so much like her.

> I dry my hands off before tossing the wet, crumpled paper towels in the trash on my way out of the bathroom. The hallway is completely empty since class has only been in session for thirty minutes. I run my hand along the lockers, attempting to walk as slowly as possible. If I can prevent from going back to class, I will do anything. The idea of going back to Mr. Paril drone on about different ways to write a professional letter I may just slam my head into the lockers.

> Out of nowhere, a classroom door swings open as I pass by. A hand clamps over my mouth and an arm pulls me back against the their chest. I scream against the person's hand while they drag me backwards into the empty classroom. My feet drag and kick against the floor, fingers desperately trying to pry the hand off of my mouth. What the hell is going on?

> Fear pulses through my veins when the door slams shut, leaving the two of us alone in the dark classroom. The arm around my chest tightens before they slam me down on the floor, tumbling into a row of desks. Air comes from my mouth in heavy pants. I quickly roll over on my back, mentally preparing myself to defend myself in any way that I can.

> The person above me is covered from head to toe in black clothes, not allowing me to see their face. I pull my right leg back and kick their shin. My attacker stumbles backwards, surprised. I scramble on the floor, trying to create as much distance as I can between the two of us. Who ever this is, they are pretty determined to catch me because they rush after me, grabbing ahold of my left ankle. I attempt to kick them in the face, but they swiftly slide me across the floor back to them. A scream escapes from my mouth in fear.

> My attacker reacts to my scream by grabbing both of my shoulders and shaking me hard enough that the back of my head slams against the floor. I blink back tears as my vision blurs from the impact. Fighting against the urge to pass out, I wrap one leg around the attacker and flip us over. Once I'm on top of them, I pull my fist back before punching them in the face. I go in for another punch, but they grab something from their side. A sharp blow goes to my forehead and I feel myself lose control of my body as I collapse on the floor.


> Fog clouds my head as I slowly come back to consciousness. A cloth like material is tied around my mouth. My head lifts up from hanging down and I blink my eyes a couple times to adjust to the dark room. The room turns out to look like an abandoned warehouse with me right in the middle of it. I attempt to move my hands up to my face, but they stay behind my back held together. I yank outwards again, feeling rope dig into my skin. What did I get myself into?

> A lamp hanging from the ceiling flicks on illuminating someone else in a chair directly across from me. My eyes squint against the new bright light and then widen. Sitting in the chair is none other than Aunt Kate. Her head is hanging forward, hair draped around her face.

> Panic swells through my body as I scan my eyes over her to make sure she isn't hurt. Nothing abnormal stands out and I feel myself relax just a tad. Aunt Kate may be completely crazy, but she is family and I still love her.

> "Ever wonder what happens if a hunter gets bitten, Clara?" A male voice echoes throughout the warehouse. I dart my head from side to side, trying to see where the voice voice is coming from. "Ever wonder what happens if you get bitten? What do you think your Aunt would do? What do you think she'd have to do? When all it would take to change everything is- one bite. One bite-"

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