Chapter 2

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(Eddie POV)
I then remembered what people told me about liking other boys. I said "do you think I'm weird? Richie, I'm weird to you?" He looked shocked and said "No Eds! You're perfectly fine the way you are. Eddie some people say it's bad but to me, it's not! If you feel a certain way and it feels right, then you go for it. Look Eddie don't listen to what those people say." I smiled and I felt just a little better. I saw Richie smiling at me. My cheeks turned a light shade of pink. I'm not going to tell Richie that I like him. What if he doesn't like me. I don't want to ruin our friendship. Richie said "well gosh darn it! It's gettin' pretty late ma friend! Let's go home" Richie did horrible impressions but they were funny. Well I guess just to me. I said "ok let's go" I started to shiver. I reached for my inhaler and took pump of the medicine. I got really cold.

(Richie POV)
I saw Eddie was getting really cold because I got his clothes wet. I felt really bad. I took off my shirt and gave it to him. I was taller than him so hopefully it would cover most of his body. I said "Eds here, take my shirt" I handed him my shirt. He said "but Richie what about you?" I smiled at him and said "no worries. I'm ok. But for you I don't want you getting sick or getting a cold my little Eddie spaghetti" I chuckled and pinched his cheek, I know he was going to say something. His face looked a little annoyed and said "I told you not to call me that!" I laughed and said "alright alright, let's go." We got up and got on our bikes. When we got close to his house he smiled at me and said "bye Richie! Thanks for the shirt!" I smiled and said "bye Eds! See you tomorrow!" I smiled and rode home. When I got home I climbed through my window and went straight to the shower. I only thought of Eddie. I've had feelings for Eddie since the day we met. I just hope he feels the same. He always pushes me away. I think he's just playing hard to get. I chuckled at the thought and started to take a shower and get ready for bed.

(Eddie POV)
As I rode home i just thought of Richie. I looked down and at his shirt. It smelled just like him. It was such a comforting smell. It made me feel safe. I got home and got in through my window. Right when I got in, I got in bed but my mom walked in and said "it's bedtime Ed...Eddie! Who's shirt is that?!" I then got really scared. I didn't know what to answer. I then hesitated but said "it's Richie's. He lent it to me today down at the barrens." She got angry and said "did you guys do anything you're not supposed too?! Eddie you better not be..." I cut her off by saying "mom I like girls!" I can't believe I lied to her. She then said "you better!" She then stormed out and slammed the door. I then got a guilty look on my face. I lied to her. But, I like Richie. I still want to see him. I dont want to make anything worse. I went to bed with the thought of people hating me because I was gay. I didn't like it. I then woke up In my room. It looked late but I then scanned the room and saw a dark shadow in the corner of my room. It said "what would your mother say about you being gay?" I got scared and said "who said that?" They replied with "I'll blow you for a dime. Heck, I'll blow you for free. If she doesn't want you anymore you can come with me and all the boys you want can blow you. Come with me." I then began to whimper and said "leave me alone! I'll never go with you!" I then realized it was the leper. The leper chuckled and said "that's what you say now. Don't worry, you'll come sooner or later" it laughed one last time I then snapped out of it. I jolted up and realized it was a dream. I began to cry and i brought my knees to my chest and buried my head in between my knees. I didn't want to look anymore. I wiped away my tears and tried to fall back asleep. I just couldn't. I was too terrified. I just laid awake staring at the ceiling. I thought about what he said. What if my mom did find out about me being gay. What would she say or do? I don't want to know. I just know it will be bad. I then realized I had Richie's shirt on. It smelled like him. That smell gave me comfort. It made me feel safe like if he was with me. I smiled and fell asleep.

I hope you liked it! Update coming soon!

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