Chapter 8

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(Eddie POV)
I was so nervous. she knew it was a boy. She said "no!" I got a little sad and said "I promise I'll take my medicine and I'll call you as soon as I get there. Please! I've never been to one! I've always wanted too!" She then felt a little bad for me when she saw I made a really sad face. She then said "alright, but you have to promise no funny business ok?" I smiled and said "thanks mom! I promise!" She smiled and I ran to my room. I packed my medicine bag and my normal bag. I packed my clothes, toothbrush, and his shirt I borrowed from him. I needed to give it back. I went downstairs and told my mom I was leaving. She said "ok bye! Call me!" I smiled and said I will. I rode to Richie's house. On my way I saw the leper. I fell off my bike and then looked back and it was gone. When I fell I had scraped my knee. It was bleeding but I didn't care I just needed to get to Richie's house. When I got there I knocked on the door and his mom answered. She said "hello Eddie. Are you the friend that's staying over?" I smiled and said "yes ma'am." She smiled and said "well, Richie is in the shower, you are welcome to wait in his room." I said "thank you" she smiled and left. As I was walking to his room I saw the leper again. I stopped and looked around again but it was gone. I was scared. As I was walking to Richie's room I stopped and heard him singing. It wasn't that good but it was adorable. I sat in his room and saw a lot of baby pictures, pieces of paper crumbled up, and books everywhere. I laughed and went to look at the baby pictures. There was one of him eating ice cream. His smile was so big. He was adorable. I laid down on his bed. I just laid there waiting for him to come out. I then heard a door open and clear singing. When he walked in he was shocked and said "oh sorry Eddie." He ran to his closet and shut the door. I laughed and said "it's ok Richie, it's nothing I haven't seen before" he laughed and said "I know you just caught me off guard." When he walked out he noticed I still had the flower in my hair and I was wearing his shirt. He looked at me and said "you still have the flower? Awww!" I smiled and said "yeah it was really pretty." I looked down and said "oh yeah, here Richie you lent me this shirt I should probably give it back." I began to take it off but he stopped me and said "no it's ok you can keep it. It looks better on you anyways" I smiled and said "oh ok thanks" I got up and hugged him. I then said "I saw some of your baby pictures. They were adorable." He blushed and said "not as adorable as you" I blushed and then he did and said "oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud" I laughed and said "it's ok" we both sat on the bed and he looked at me with the most beautiful smile.

(Richie POV)
When I first saw Eddie I knew I liked him. I think he deserves to know my feelings. I smiled and I said "Eddie I can't hide my feelings anymore. I've felt this way since the first day we met. Eddie, I like you, I like you a lot" he blushed and smiled. He said "I like you too Richie. I really like you." We hugged and when we pulled apart he said "Richie, now that I know you care about me, I can tell you anything. I keep seeing the leper. It keeps coming and going. Richie I'm really scared." I frowned and pulled him in for a hug. He began to cry on my shoulder. He said "what if it takes me? You're the only thing that keeps me from going. I think about you and all my fears just float away. If it takes me, I'll never see you again." I began to cry and I said "I'll never let it take you! You won't leave me I promise. Whenever you need me I'll come to you.
You're safe as long as I'm here." He smiled and so did I. I then noticed he was leaning in. I leaned in and our lips pressed. We pulled away and he said "Richie your amazing." I smiled and said "you're even more amazing Eddie." We stared into each other eyes until Eddie screamed and jumped into my arms and began to cry.

I hope you liked it! The next update will not be a chapter, but after the update I will post a chapter! So soon maybe minutes after! It's something kind of important. I love you guys so much! Thank you for everything!

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