Chapter 4

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I whispered to Richie "go go hurry" he climbed out the window and I closed it. It was my mom. I could recognize that voice anywhere. I said back "I was picking up my room." I opened the door and she said "ok well, I'm going to work. I'll be back home at 5:00" I smiled and said "ok bye mom!" She closed the door and began to walk away. I opened up the window and said "hurry she's going outside!" He climbed back in and sat on my bed. I looked out the window and saw her drive away. I then said "oh ok she's gone. She'll be back at 5:00. What do you want to do?" He looked at me and said "whatever you want" we walked into the living room and sat on the sofa. I then remembered my medicine. I went to the cabinet and took it. I took a pump of my inhaler and sat back down. I laughed and said "I can't believe I have to spend the rest of my day with you." Richie laughed and said "c'mon Eds! You know you love me." I laughed and so did he.

Eddie smiled and said "you make me laugh so much! I literally need my inhaler 24/7." I laughed and said "you know what will make you laugh even more?" He smiled and said "what?" I grinned and said "this" I tackled him to the sofa and pinned him down. I then dug my hands into his sides and began to tickle his little body. He laughed and laughed. His laugh was so cute. I laughed as well. I then said "did I make you laugh?" In between laughs he said "get off of me dumbass!" I laughed and stopped. He wheezed and I rushed to get his inhaler. He took a pump of the medicine and then said "you know I hate you" I laughed and said "you know you don't" he rolled his eyes and said "I can't believe I'm stuck with you all day" I chuckled and said "yep baby boy is stuck with his best friend in the whole world all day!" We both laughed and I said "do you want to watch a movie?" He nodded and said "sure!" We turned on the TV and started to watch the movie.

*time skip to the end of the movie*

When we were watching the movie Eddie had laid his head on my shoulder. I blushed a dark shade of red. He closed his eyes and I said "aw, my little Eddie is tired. We don't want you staying awake all night baby boy!" I said in my granny impression. He rolled his eyes and said "I just got a little bored that's all." I saw he yawned. I chuckled and said "you just yawned" he looked at me and said "it was just a yawn Richie."  I chuckled and said "whatever you say Eddie spaghetti" he got annoyed again and said "don't call me that!" I laughed and said "alright, but that nickname is so cute!" He laughed and said "ok Prince Charming whatever you say" he said in a sarcastic voice. I began to give him sloppy kisses up his arm like Prince's did to the princess. I said "ok princess" he laughed and said "weirdo" I laughed and said "adorable" we both laughed and looked at the clock. I said "oh shit, your mom will be here any minute!" He asked me "what time is it?" I said "it's 5:00. I guess she's a little late." He looked at me and said "ok, bye Richie I'll see you tomorrow!" I laughed and pinched his cheek and said "bye cutie!" In my mom impression. He laughed and I walked out. I got on my bike and rode to my house. Eddie is amazing. I hope he likes me.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked it! Updates coming soon! Shoutout to @Abbiii3 for all the amazing comments! And thank you for all the votes! It means so much to me!

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