Chapter 12

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(Eddie POV)
I suddenly turned a bright shade of pink. I stuttered and said "I'm going to the barrens" they had a unsure look and let me out. I rode to Richie's house and knocked on the door. His mom opened and said "Eddie? Why are you here?" I smiled and said "I'm here for Richie" she smiled and said "why?" Richie came running down the stairs and said "mom we are going on a date" she had a shocked look on her face and my face turned white. She said "Richie I didn't know you were gay" he smiled and said "yeah mom I am. Do you still love me?" She smiled and gave him a hug. She said "of course I still love you." She came up to me and gave me a hug too. I smiled. She really did love her son. She smiled and said "ok you two go have fun" as we were leaving I said "bye mrs. Tozier! Thank you" she smiled and said "no problem!" We started to walk and Richie said "hey Eds" I smiled and said "hey Richie. Where are we going?" He smiled and said "the kissing bridge" I smiled and said "your so sweet Richie" he blushed and said "thanks Eddie spaghetti. There's a surprise for you there" I smiled and said "you're amazing Richie. I love you" I hugged him and he said "I love you too Eds" we pulled away and kept walking. Our fingers were intertwined the whole way there. When we got there he said "trust me" I nodded and he put his hands over my eyes. He began to lead me somewhere. He picked me up and put me down. He let go and said "open your eyes" it was a beautiful picnic set up. There was sandwiches, drinks, and sweets. I looked up at him and he said "I wanted our first date to be special" I smiled and said "thanks Richie. I love it! It's so beautiful" I leaned in and so did he. Our lips pressed and this time it felt even more special. We pulled away and my cheeks were bright red and so were his. We began to eat the sandwiches and drinks. When I was done I said "this is delicious Richie. I love you" he smiled and said "I love you too Eddie spaghetti." I smiled and he said "Eddie, you never fail to make me smile. Your like a beautiful flower that blooms love. You're my everything. I love you." He handed me a bracelet that had a sunflower on it and my name. It was so beautiful. I smiled and said "thank you so much Richie! This is the most beautiful thing ever! Richie I'm so sorry I didn't get you anything or didn't do anything for you. I hope you know that our love is eternal. Your my world. You give me hope and happiness when I need it. You're sweet, kind, funny, amazing, considerate, and so much more! I love you so much" he smiled and said "it's ok Eddie, don't be sorry, I did this for you and I know you would do the same for me. I love you too" I leaned my head on his shoulder and he kissed my head. Ha soft lips made me feel so special and safe. I looked up and said "Richie, should I tell my parents? What if they kick me out? What if they don't want me anymore?" I began to lightly cry. He looked at me and brought my face up to look at his. He said "Eddie, whenever you feel comfortable, you tell them. If your parents don't live you and don't want you then you have me. I love you and love you for who you are. Eddie you are the most handsome, amazing, funny, kind, smart, and special boy i know, and of they don't love you then they don't deserve you as a child. Eddie if ever kick you out or tell you they don't love you, you can come to me, I'll help you, I'll talk you, and I'll make it better. Eddie my mom and I will do everything we can to keep you safe. I love you." I began to cry and said "Richie I love you too! Thank you for that. I would never go to anyone else. Thank you for making me feel better." I hugged him and he hugged back. We pulled apart and Richie and I kissed. He brought me closer and we began to kiss very passionately. We pulled away and Richie said "Eddie I don't want to ruin anything but it's 7:00. I'm so sorry. I can't wait for our next dates. I love you Eds" I smiled and said "it's ok Richie. Don't be sorry. I can't wait either. I love you too Richie." We kissed one last time and he packed up all the picnic stuff and got our stuff and left. We held hands on the way back to his house. When we got there he said "remember what I told you. Bye love you" he gave me a kiss on the cheek and I said "I will. I love you too Richie" he knocked on the door and I left to go to my house. I knocked on the door and my mom opened. She said "Eddie what took you so long?" I said "nothing I just got carried away" she gave me and unsure look and said "alright go take a bath and go to bed" I smiled and said "ok" I ran upstairs to my bathroom and got ready for bed. I loved our date. What Richie told me really made me feel special and it made me feel so comfortable. I got in the shower and let the warm water rinse my body.

(Richie POV)
When I walked in my mom said "so how was the date?" I smiled and said "it was so amazing. He's so special to me" she smiled and said "that's great! I never got to talk to you about your sexuality so if you ever need to talk sweetie I'm right here." I smiled and said "ok thanks mom" I gave her a hug and said "you're welcome sweetie" I went up to my room to go get ready for bed. I saw a note in my room. It said "from Eddie" I turned it over and it said

Dear Richie,
Thank you for everything. I left this note for you before I left the sleepover. You make me feel so safe and special. When I'm scared you make all my fears go away. You make me feel like I have nothing to fear. You're like my dream catcher. You caught all of my bad dreams and made them go away. You also caught all of my good dreams and made them come true. I always had a dream where you and I would be together and we would start a family and start our own lives. This dream hasn't come true but when you told me you liked me I knew that dream would come true. That dream just started and it's coming true. I hope we spend the rest of our lives together and we live out our dreams. Since you were my dream catcher I want to be yours. I got you a dream catcher so it would remind you of me when you go to sleep. I'll there for you. I love you Richie.
Love, Eddie Kaspbrak

When I read the note I began to tear up. When i wiped away my tears I saw the dream catcher by my bed. It was so beautiful. I loved it. When I saw it, it did remind me of him. He's so special to me. His dream will come true and I'll make it come true. I put on my sleep shirt and laid down to go to bed. I took a look at the dream catcher and fell asleep.

I hope you liked it! I got the idea of going to the kissing bridge from one of my favorite REDDIE books there is! It's in my reading list actually. It's called "we have each other" go read it! It's so good! I'm sorry it's kind of long! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 200 READS! You guys are so amazing! I love you!❤️❤️

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