Chapter 17

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(General POV)
Richie had depression and so did Eddie. Ever since that day depression consumed their lives. Richie attempted suicide 2 times after the love of his life left. Eddie had the thought of suicide but still had some hope. Eddie was Richie's hope. Actually, the only hope. Both Richie and Eddie had some hope left in them but knew it was for nothing. They thought that they would never see each other again. They still remembered the promise they made each other 3 years ago. They never had feelings for any other boy before and never even had the thought of feelings for others except for each other. They still loved each other and the promise never broke. Love like theirs, can't break. It's Eternal!

(Richie POV)
I woke up feeling depressed as always. The feeling of emptiness and complete lonesome. I got up and walked to my bathroom and stared into the mirror. I had looked at the razor blade on the left corner of my sink. I picked it up but quickly threw it to the floor because I thought of one thing, Eddie. The boy that completed my life. After he left, everything was different. The way i saw things and the way I felt. I ran out and went downstairs and saw my mom at the table drinking her coffee. She sighed and said "Richie, honey, you ok?" I said "no, but I'll try to be" I sat down on the sofa remembering Eddie. Remembering all of the times we spent together. I remembered all the kisses, all the snuggles, all the hugs, and all the love. Hope still lingered in the back of my mind but I knew that he wouldn't come back. It's too good to be true. I slouched and felt tears well up in my eyes. I quickly wiped them off and started to think of Eddie, the boy I love, that made me feel so happy, that it didn't seem real.

(Eddie POV)
I woke up feeling the same way I did everyday, empty. I walked downstairs remembering the first time I walked up and down these stairs. I felt like there was no hope. After I kept walking up and down these stairs for three years I never seemed to loose that feeling of no hope. I did still have some hope lingering around in my head. I remembered Richie. I thought about him everyday. I stopped midway down the stairs and just sat on the steps and started to cry softly. I remembered our first kiss, our first cuddle, our first time we told each other we loved each other. I wiped away my tears and got up and walked down. My grandparents were sitting at the table looking so happy as always but today they seemed happier. They said "Eddie we have a big surprise for you" I sighed and said "what is it?" They both smiled and said "you are finally old enough to leave us, we decided to let you leave if you want. We know that we stole you away from your boyfriend and you aren't felt the same since. We thought that you wanted to see him again and go live where you used to so we bought you an apartment there. They have been getting it ready for the past 3 days, it's ready and we want you to know that you can leave and start a new life if you want." My face lit up, I started to cry again. It was different, tears of joy, so much hope rushed into my body. My heart stared to beat faster and faster by the minute. I said "thank you, do you have a plane ticket for me?" They smiled and said "of course, we are giving you some money and a planet ticket to get on your feet." I smiled and ran upstairs. I looked at the small bag that laid on the corner of my room. I never unpacked it, it didn't feel like home so I didn't even touch it. It still had all my stuff. I quickly grabbed it, and I took a sip from the water on my nightstand. I ran downstairs and I grabbed the plane ticket and money from the counter. I said "thank you guys so much! Love you!" I gave them both a hug and they said "love you too" I ran out and kept running till I stepped into the airport. I ran in and waited for my flight. Minutes later the flight was announced and I ran into the aircraft. I sat down and thought of Richie. His soft hair, his warm hands, his soft tender lips, and his dark eyes that I fell for and never came out of. I dozed off and later fell asleep.

(Richie POV)
I was sitting on my sofa when I heard a knock on my door. I ignored it and just kept thinking about Eddie. Minutes later I got another knock so I got up went to open the door. When I did, I laid my eyes on...Eddie. His eyes were filled with tears and he was smiling. I soon began to cry myself and he jumped into my arms and said "RICHIE!" Our lips pressed for the first time in 3 years. It lasted for a good while. I felt the spark once again, the fireworks I got when I was around him. I pulled back and I said "I missed you so much! Baby I love you so much!" He held me closer and said "I missed you too! I thought that you moved on! I still love you too Richie!" My heart was racing. I didn't let go of the petite boy that was in my arms. He barely changed. He looked exactly the same except more define. He was still his small little self and he still had the same hair cut. He said "Richie, I came back, we were meant to be!" I kissed his cheek and he said "Richie we never broke the promise!" I stared to cry even more and I said "baby I never would have. I'm never going to stop loving you!" We kissed again and when i pulled away I ran into the kitchen and I said "mom, he's back!" She dropped her bread and she ran up to Eddie and engulfed him in a hug. It was now a group hug. Eddie still wrapped around my waist, now my mom was wrapped around Eddie. She let go and said "we missed you so much" Eddie smiled and said "I missed you too" my mom said "I'll leave you two to catch up, I'll be down here" I said "thanks mom" I ran upstairs with Eddie in my arms and quickly sat on my bed. Eddie said "you didn't change a bit." I smiled and said "neither did you" I saw Eddie get really nervous. He smiled and he kissed my cheek.

(Eddie POV)
We were now upstairs. I can't believe sitting with the love of my life. After 3 years of depression, loneliness, and no hope, all hope and now back. I needed him to be with me. I really wanted to see him everyday like we were supposed to. I was really nervous to ask him but I wanted h to move in with me. I kissed his cheek and I said "Richie, when I saw your face when the door opened, I felt like there was a purpose. I felt the spark and love once again. I really want to see you everyday like we were supposed to and I want you to move in with me." He leaned in and our lips pressed. The spark was back and never leaving. He pulled back and said "yes baby, of course!" We hugged and I said "do you want to move in as soon as possible or you need time?" I didn't want to rush him, he needs time. He said "now, as soon as possible." I smiled and said "ok, well today it's ready we can move in as soon as you pack your stuff" he smiled and said "I can't wait to wake up to your handsome face every morning" he kissed my forehead and I said "me neither" he got up and grabbed a bag and started to shove everything in. I laid down and waited for him to finish. I thought about waking up and seeing him every day. I smile and minutes later he was done. He said "ok Eds, I'm done" I smiled and said "ok, Richie, let's go start our new life together" he smiled and we walked down the stairs hand in hand. Richie's mom said "where are you going honey?" He said "mom, I'm 20 years old, I want to start a new life, with Eddie. I'm moving in with him." She smiled and said "ok, make sure to visit me all the time. I understand. I love you sweetie, bye" he smiled and said "bye mom." He let go of my hand and went to go hug her. He pulled away and came back to me. We walked outside and Into his car. We drove to the apartment and the whole time, we were laughing, talking, and occasionally he would give me kisses on my cheek. We finally arrived and walked in. It was beautiful. It had 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. We walked into the biggest bedroom and laid our stuff down on the floor. Our furniture was already here and perfectly placed. We laid down on our bed and we stayed staring at the ceiling. There was silence, it was good. It made me feel so comfortable. After 30 minutes of that, Richie said "hey babe, I'm going to go take a walk okay. I'll be back so fast." I smiled and said "okay hurry, I want to cuddle" I wanted to feel his warm embrace once again. He walked out and left. I laid down waiting for him to come back.

Was Richie actually going for a walk? What was he going to do? I hope you liked it! I TOLD YOU IT WOULD GET BETTER! WE REACHED 300 READS! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!❤️❤️❤️

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