Chapter 6- The Fight for Her

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Chapter 6- The Fight for Her

Niall’s P.O.V.

            So here’s what I’m going to do I thought to myself. I’m going to get up early and ask Vanessa. Yes, I will have to get up early because Vanessa took it on herself to make us breakfast every morning since none of us can cook. Haha she is so thoughtful, I would get up and make breakfast for her but last time someone did that, she yelled at them so I decided not to. But here’s exactly what I will do. I will walk into the kitchen and come up behind her. Then I will wrap my arms around her waist, and kiss her neck. Then I’ll spin her around, kiss her, and then ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend. Pretty good plan right? I thought to myself. Only if Liam doesn’t get there first… no don’t think about that.

“Hey have you seen Aly?” Zayn asked me.

“Ya she’s upstairs with V.” I said smiling. Then Zayn ran up the stars two by two. Ever since Alyson’s been home no one gets much time alone with either of the girls. Vanessa is being really protective, and Alyson is just tired still. I went into the living room and watched the news with Harry and Louis. Then I looked at the clock, crap, its already 11:30 I better get to bed if I’m gonna get up and ask Vanessa. I layed down in my bed and fell asleep instantly.

            When I woke up, I got dressed and ran my fingers through my hair. As I headed downstairs I heard someone in the kitchen. Oh crap actually, two people. Please don’t be Liam, please don’t be Liam I thought as I walked to the kitchen and stopped right before the door. It was Liam! Damn! I’m too late! I frowned I wonder how’s he going to ask her, I sat down in the hall and listened.

“Morning babe,” Liam said.

“Well you’re up mighty early aren’t you,” she giggled.

“Ya, I guess,” he said, “I really wanted to see you before everyone else.”

“Ya sure you did,” she said sarcasm dripping off her words.

“Okay so maybe I didn’t…”

“Liam, cut to the chase.”

“Alright fine.” He sighed, “Vanessa I love the way you smile, and giggle, and dress. Basically I love everything about you. You are the most beautiful and kind girl I have ever met. I don’t think I could live without you. Will you be my girlfriend?” I couldn’t bear to hear the rest so I ran into the living room and started crying. I couldn’t seem not to, the girl I love is going to be with my best mate. I just sat there and cried my eyes out; hopefully Zayn finds me or something not Liam or Vanessa…

Vanessa’s P.O.V.

“Liam, cut to the chase.” I said rolling my eyes.

“Alright fine.” He sighed, “Vanessa I love the way you smile, and giggle, and dress. Basically I love everything about you. You are the most beautiful and kind girl I have ever met. I don’t think I could live without you. Will you be my girlfriend?” Oh my god, Liam Payne, the Liam Payne wants me to be his girlfriend. Normally I would have screamed and leaped into his arms but not now. Now I have feelings for another. I frowned.

“What’s wrong?” he asked looking me in the eyes.

“I’m sorry,” I looked away, “Liam I love you I really do, but not like that. I don’t want to break your heart but I have feelings for someone else. I love you like a brother, I feel like I’m at home with you. But that’s just not what I really want in a boyfriend. I want someone fun and immature and amazing that will keep me on edge. I want someone innocent; someone who I feel sparks with. Liam I’m SO, SO sorry but that’s not you, it’s Niall.” I felt a stab in my heart. “But I really hope we can be friends and not let this make things awkward between us…” I looked at him, he looked hurt.

“Babe, I kind of figured actually, but I had to try. Of course we can be friends, and I hope one day I’ll find a girl like you whose heart can belong to me. By the way Niall went running into the living room crying about 10 minutes ago. You may want to check on him.” He smiled. “And don’t feel bad this won’t ruin Niall and my or you and my friendship. Now go get him.” He winked. I ran into the living room as fast as possible. When I got there I saw Niall sitting on the couch balling his eyes out. I sat down next to him; he looked up at me with pain in his eyes. I did all I could think to do at that moment, I kissed him. Long, hard, and passionately on the lips. When I pulled away he looked a bit confused.

“Wait, you didn’t say yes to Liam?” he asked me, still looking very confused.

“No,” I said, “my heart belongs to another. An immature man, who sets off sparks when we touch, is funny, innocent and loves food.”

He smirked, “Damn, so you like Louis?”

I laughed, “Totally,” I said smiling, “Niall Horan, will you be my boyfriend?” I asked him.

“Hell yes!” he screamed in his adorable Irish accent, pulling me into another kiss. We just stayed there for a long time kissing and holding each other. I really hope Liam finds someone who loves him as much as I love Niall, he really does deserve it. I smiled, at least we are friends, no, best friends. But wait when are the boys supposed to leave next?

One Direction Infection: Love Story Alyson and VanessaWhere stories live. Discover now