Chapter 11- Inside of Everyone's "Before Concert" Minds

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Chapter 11- Inside of Everyone’s “Before Concert” Minds

Harry’s P.O.V.

            Tonight was our first concert and I was so excited. I can’t believe it, we get to sing and meet girls my two favorite things. I smiled, maybe I’ll finally find my girl, I just keep looking for her but never find her. Well I wonder what we are going to do for the rest of the day; I mean it is only 8 am. Well I need to shower first, alright I’m gonna go shower then.  I laughed, I’m already talking to myself this is sad.

Louis’s P.O.V.

            Tonight, our first concert, wow, this is insane how far we have come. I still wish I had someone to share it with, well besides Harry. I wish I had a girlfriend to share it with like Niall and Zayn do. Poor Liam, his best friend is dating the girl he loves, that feeling must suck. I’m glad I haven’t fallen in love with one of Harry’s girlfriends, he would probably kill me. I hope I never fall in love with one of his girlfriends that would be awkward. Well I better get ready… oh I want a carrot… hmmm I’ll go get one. Yes that’s what I’ll do. I’ll go get a carrot. I smiled and skipped downstairs.

Liam’s P.O.V.

            Tonight’s our first concert now I need to try and keep everyone in line. The boys always seem to get drunk or sugar high before we preform and it’s a mess. Besides we just got drunk last night we don’t need to get drunk again. And when those boys get on a sugar high, my god, if you thought they were crazy before. So I need to get them distracted by doing something really fun. What should we do… my thoughts were interrupted when Louis walked in crunching on something. I looked up really fast praying that it wasn’t candy, when I looked up I realized it was just a carrot. I sighed, and he gave me a funny look. I just wiggled my eyebrows which made him laugh.

Zayn’s P.O.V.

            I was so nervous for our first concert, and I was brining Alyson backstage with me. What if she hates my singing? What if I mess up? What if I fall off stage? What if I trip and fall on my face? What if I forget to sing? I was so caught up in what ifs… that I started pacing in front on the window looking down at all the screaming fans. When they finally caught sight of me they started taking pictures so I waved, but then I realized what I was wearing. I jumped back and closed the curtains I was only wearing a pair of boxers. Wow now I’m embarrassed. Maybe I should get dressed… I thought. I went into the bathroom and started getting ready; I still had what ifs in my brain though. God I was so nervous.

Alyson’s P.O.V.

            Wow I was nervous but I assumed Zayn was just as nervous as I am if not more… I just hope I don’t go all fan girl and faint, or puke, or scream, or freeze up. And Liam told Vanessa and me that they might pull us on stage, I just hope if they do that, that I don’t fall off, or go speechless, or faint, or chicken out, or something else. Doing any of that would look so bad... I don’t want to embarrass Zayn. And what if the fans are rude like they were when we came off the plane; if they are I hope I don’t cry. I just kept thinking about all the bad things that could happen while I waited for Zayn to be done in the bathroom.

Vanessa’s P.O.V.

            I am so nervous for the boys and for me. I mean I don’t want to sound conceded but I don’t want to embarrass Niall. After all Liam told Alyson and me that they might pull us on stage. If they do that, and the fans are mean to me like they were when we got off the plane I swear I will cry. I don’t want to cry but I know I will if they call me a slut and say I’m not good enough for Niall. I am good enough for him right? Maybe I’m too fat or something? Wow if Alyson, Niall, or Liam could hear my thoughts they would kill me. They think I’m perfect but am I? Are the fans right? Or am I just second guessing myself because of a few jealous fans? I don’t know but I wish I did…

Niall’s P.O.V.

            I knew everyone else was nervous and trust me I am too. I know before the concert I will probably puke from all the nerves. But I really hope everyone else isn’t as nervous as me because if they are, I don’t know who I could go to. During the day when we have concerts at night I can’t talk to Liam because he is always more stressed than me. I hope Vanessa isn’t stressing too much seeing as though Liam gave her a heads up about us maybe bringing her and Alyson on stage. I want to sing to her but what if I mess up or start crying. And I know she hates attention so I don’t know what she will think of the situation. I should probably go talk to her. You know what I am going to talk to her.

Third Person’s P.O.V.

            Liam, Louis and Harry were downstairs in the living room talking about how nervous they were and what they should do today. Meanwhile Zayn had gotten out of the bathroom to find a very distressed Alyson. He immediately started comforting her, and she cried into his shoulder telling her not to worry he was thinking the same things. That seemed to calm her down, so now they were just expressing everything that was on their minds. While down the hall Niall had asked Vanessa how she felt and she broke down telling her everything which broke his heart. He started comforting her saying not to worry, everything will be fine. She looked up at him and asked how do you know that? To which he replied, I have you and I love you so if we are there for each other everything will be fine. Finally she calmed down and they had a heart to heart talk on how she would feel if Niall brought her on stage. While somewhere downtown Simon Cowell and the rest of One Direction’s managers and stylist were discussing how the stage would be lit, what order the songs would be sung in, and what each of the boys would be wearing. So all in all everyone is freaking out about the concert tonight, I hope they can calm down before the concert.

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