Chapter 16- Confronting Larry

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(Dedicated to AmmieGilliam she is so nice and funny. love what she told me today-  "Pshh no one is perfect. Don't let the haters hate, but if they do, just give them something to hate about. Don't let them get to you. You are who you are and if they don't like the way you spell or make mistakes then they obviously are not true fans of you or one direction!" you go girl! <3)

Chapter 16- Confronting Larry

Harry’s P.O.V.

            ‘What happened last night?’ Was the first thing I thought when I got out of bed. The second was, holy shiz this hangover is gonna suck… I looked over to find Louis in the bed next to me that was normal, we usually slept together. But he was naked and so was I. my eyes widened what did we do last night. I just sat down on the bed and tried my best to remember something, anything from last night. I remember Niall and Lou… but I don’t know what I did with Lou… maybe Niall saw something. I opened my door to find Niall with his hand up, he was about to knock. Then his eyes widened and he slapped his hand over his eyes.

“Harry, I will never get used to you. Put some damn clothes on then come to my room. We need to talk…” he said. I looked down, whoops I did forget to put boxers on. I walked into my closet and grabbed a pair of boxers and some pants. I felt no need for a shirt so I didn’t put one on. As I walked back into the room after getting dressed, I saw Lou sitting up in the bed. He had found so pants somewhere, because he had a pair on.

“Ummm… Harry… do you remember what happened last night?” he asked rubbing the back of his neck.

“Not really do you?” I asked.

“No… I umm… remember Niall though…” Louis said.

“Ya me too, I’m gonna go talk to him. Wanna come with me?” I asked getting more nervous by the second. I’m not gay. I’m NOT gay. I kept telling myself.

“Ya… but Harry?” he said biting his lip.

“Yes Lou…” I mumbled, him biting his lip was so… no Harry you are not gay!

“Promise me no matter what Niall says nothing will be weird between us?” he said he had pain in his eyes. I walked over to where he was seated and hugged him.

“Lou, I love you, no matter what happened last night I will NEVER hate you, or ignore you.” I said.

“Promise?” he asked a little spark of hope in his eyes.

I smiled down on the older boy. Funny how I’m taller than him, “Promise…” I whispered and I kissed his nose.

“Now let’s go talk to Niall.” I said smiling slightly. We linked hands and walked down the hall to Niall’s room. I opened the door to find Niall and Vanessa sitting on the bed discussing something in harsh whispers. I cleared my throat, and they turned to me.

“Niall can we talk?” Lou asked.

“Sure sit down…” he said.

“I kinda think Lou meant just the three of us…” I said.

“No,” Niall said sternly. Wow he kinda sounded like Liam for a minute there, “V knows everything I know. She is staying.” He said grabbing Vanessa hand she rubbed the back of his hand. He seemed to calm down a little.

“Okay…” Lou said looking as nervous as I felt.

“So about last night?” All 4 of us said as the same time. Niall and I cocked our heads to the side. While Vanessa and Louis raised their eyebrows, we all just stared at each other for about 10 minutes like this until Vanessa broke the silence.

“So what about it?” she asked looking straight at me…

“Umm… well… we wanted to… um… know if…” I stuttered.

“You guys saw anything, we can’t remember anything…” Lou finished for him I put my hand on his hand, which was resting on his knee. I was silently thanking him for saving my butt.

“Umm you guys don’t remember anything…” Niall said looking really confused.

“Well some parts but not many…” I said, “We were hoping you did. We both remembered seeing you…”

“Umm… ya I was there but are you sure you wanna know?” Niall asked as he rubbed his temple. I could tell this was hard for him.

“Yes we really want and need to know.” Louis said he had a force to his voice that I had never heard before.

“Okay… well here goes…” Niall took a big breath and started, “I didn’t really hear it all, but when I walked in you two were fighting about something… and then Lou admitted he loved you and you admitted you loved him too. But then Lou said no Harry I’m being serious and you said something like me too… and then I walked in and pretended I heard nothing. You guys said you loved me and went off to bed… then I went into the kitchen and V came in… that’s pretty much it” he said.

“Did you guys hear anything from our room after that?” I asked.

“Nope…” Niall said, “I didn’t…” he said stressing the I, so everyone’s eyes went to Vanessa. She sighed and seemed to freak out Niall started rubbing her back.

“It’s okay babe…” I clearly heard Niall say, “you can do it just tell them.”

“I went by your room and her you guys moaning each others names… then I heard Harry say damn Lou it’s hot in here. Then Louis said then open the door so I ran away and back to my room that was it…” she said looking sympathetic.

“Who all did you tell?” I asked.

“I’m going to tell Zayn and V is going to tell Aly when they wake up. But I think you two should tell Liam…” Niall said looking down.

“Okay thanks I need time to process this if Liam asks Harry doesn’t feel well today so I’m taking care of him okay?” Lou said looking to Niall and Vanessa they just nodded. I grabbed Louis’s hand and we walked back to our room. When I sat on the bed all the memories came flooding back to me… the fight, our kiss in the room, giving each other… umm… ya, and last night. All of it… this isn’t good… I thought. And I’m not gay! I like girls and Lou, no just girls…

“Ugh!!” I screamed.

“What’s wrong Hazza?” Louis asked me.

“I remember. I remember it all… every last detail… and I don’t know what to think about it…” I said.

“Tell me what you remember and maybe we can figure this out together??” Lou said rubbing my back I sighed but gave in.

“Okay so here’s what I remember…” I said and I explained everything I remembered to him. At the end I made sure to add, “But I like girls Lou. I like you and girls. I don’t wanna be gay.” And I fell into his open arms. He just rubbed by back while I cried my eyes out.

“Sorry boobear…” I said when I realized he was now soaked in my tears.

“It’s okay Hazza… I just think we should tell Liam, but I won’t date you. Honestly we would make better friends with benefits than boyfriends…” he laughed. I joined him in laughing.

“So friends?” I said sticking my hand out, “with benefits?” I added with a wink.

“Friends with benefits…” he agreed and he shook my hand.

“Now to tell Liam…” he said I cringed this would be hard.

“Oh and we have to tell management… we should tell them both tomorrow okay?” I said.

“Whatever you want Hazza…” Lou said.

“Today I just want to relax with my Boobear…” I sighed winking at him. He winked back at him.

One Direction Infection: Love Story Alyson and VanessaWhere stories live. Discover now