Questions and Answers

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The next day we had school, and I had to catch up on a boat load of homework. I also had to do my history test which I had missed. The test wasn't too bad, Mr.Grand said he'd mark it and give it back on Monday.

I headed into second period with Taylor. Most kids had a tchoukball tournament that day so the class was pretty small. We basically talked all period and read 'The Fault In Our Stars', amazing book by the way. Half way through class Taylor started sniffling, about to cry, because of the book. "Taylor! Think of puppies or something!" I said making her laugh a little.

For the second half of the period we went to watch the tchoukball game. I was very surprised, but happy, when we got first. Me and Taylor cheered as loud as we could and went down to congratulate the team.

Just before school ended me, Jackie, and Edward were standing in a small circle. Suddenly Skyler came running up to us. "Wait, Olivia do you like Jace?", I practically screamed at her because Jace was a mere foot away. "Are you sure?" she pressed on, "yes I'm sure, I have no interest in him!" I said again, Edward chiming in with me. She finally caved and left, leaving me and Edward standing there. He started laughing and I knew it was because he had somehow figured out I did like Jace a few days ago. "Oh shut up" I snapped at him. He threw his hands up playfully as if giving into a cop. Then Jace walked over, a small smirk tugging at his lips. "Why do you even think I like him?!" I asked Edward. "I don't know, Aron told me" he said defensively. Now Jace was smirking, like full on smirking. I stormed into the bathroom to calm myself down.

When I came back outside the bus was here. I got on and we left.

When I got home I texted Edward.

Me : so wats(what's) the real reason u(you) think I like him

Edward : you'd be cute together

I started blushing. Wow, one text can make you blush. Real tough Olivia! As much as I was blushing, I must say I was quite happy.

Me : oh thx?

I said trying to play it cool. After that I just made him promise he wouldn't bring it up again. After a short conversation I said bye and headed off to practice.


Omg u guys r amazing!!! 150+! Please read, vote, comment, spread the word, whatever u can! But thx again luv u all <3

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