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Practice wasn't bad at all. Aside from the hundred crunches we had to do, it was pretty fun.

I got home but wasn't hungry so I had a small sandwich. I headed off to bed but not before texting Jace.

Me : hey

Jace : srry(sorry) I gtg(got to go)

Me : oh, where?

Jace : we're going to our cottage, won't be back in a while

Me : ok bye

Jace : see u(you) later <3


The next day when I got to school Reagan, and Ella came rushing towards me. "Woah, woah! What's going on?" I asked puzzled and anxious. Then I got an explanation of Ella dating Aron (not that I didn't already know), and Reagan dating some guy I didn't know named Brandon. I was taken back and happy for them all at once. "Oh my gosh!" We all grabbed hands and danced around. After our little moment of awkwardness the bell rang for first period. I grabbed my books and headed off.

We got in class and were 'greeted' by a scowling Mrs.Holly. We took our seats and waited for the ranting to begin. As promised she surely followed through. "You kids are supposed to represent my class! Not misbehave and give us a bad name!" and on and on it went. Ugh! I hated when she called us kids, I mean we were almost all 15! Also we get the same lecture every week, at least once a week. After ranting and ranting, I decided to pull out my Harry Potter book and read. I swear I read half the book before she finally finished. By the time she was done the bell rang for next period. Everyone got up and walked away groaning at the great start to the day.

For second period we didn't do much. Basically just work on our French projects.

Before I knew it, it was lunch. I headed to our regular table where I met Reagan, Ella, Taylor, Leah, Charlie and Skyler... and Aron and Edward. Well this should be interesting. I headed over and sat down. "Any reason you two are sitting here?" I asked the two older boys jokingly. "Not really", Edwards answer, "because of Ella", Aron's response. I felt like leaving. Don't get me wrong, like I said earlier I'm happy for her, but I hated all the lovey dovey crap couples gave off at school. I'd always hated those kinds of couples, like, go flirt someone else! I'm single, don't brag about your stupid relationship! Once again I wasn't mad, just flustered, and happy for Ella.

I got up and started to leave the cafeteria when someone pulled me back by the shoulder. I turned around a bit flustered and met eyes with a grade ten. I studied him for a bit. Brown eyes, light brown hair that was slightly messed up, slight build, and otherwise known as our schools bad boy. He wasn't the type of bad boy from books that are supposed to be dashing, daring, and I would end up falling in love with; instead he was a jerk if you didn't know him well enough and had no girls falling for him except his ex. "Yes?!" I asked annoyed and a little intimidated at his height. "Where are you going?" he asked, looking less intimidating by the minute. I told him to mind his own business and buzz off but when I turned around to walk away he grabbed my shoulder again. Wriggling my shoulder free, I turned and faced him. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to come eat with us" he said defensively.

I looked back at the table he was pointing to. Kayla, Danny, Mason, Austin, Zack, and Michael were all sitting there. I knew most of them and were pretty good friends with most of them so I agreed, where was I going to go anyways?

I headed over to the table cautiously with Jake at my back. I sat down next to Kayla and continued eating what was left of my lunch.

We ate and laughed and talked, and just chilled. Before we left Jake told me to meet him in the gym because he needed to tell me something important. I agreed and caught up with Leah, and headed off to our next class.


Plot twist! What did you think of this chapter? It was a bit longer than usual, and what do you think about Jake?

Thanks for reading and thanks for 200+! You guys r amazing!!! Luv you <3

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