Dirtbags and Gentlemen

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We head down the street when I get another call from Ella. "Hey" I answer worried for Skyler. "Hey, Skyler's really upset. Mitch broke up with her and she's so upset. She's been crying and I can't calm her down. I don't know what to do, please hurry!" she lets out so fast I'm surprised she hasn't passed out. I grip Jace's hand more tightly and guide him to the nearest bus station. "This is pretty urgent come on" I say guiding him onto the bus. "No problem babe" he says winking. "Not the time" I say wiping the smirk right off his face, he looked like a lost puppy but now really wasn't the time. We boarded, payed and got off at our stop. I rushed to Skyler's street and finally reached her house out of breath and panting like a dog. "Wow you can run fast" Jace said rounding the corner. I laughed a bit knowing I was slower than a snail, "only when I need to be".

I rang the doorbell and Ella opened the door. She eyed me before letting us in. What was with the look? "You brought Jace" she said half heartedly, oh. "Ya sorry he was with me when u called" I say a bit embarrassed as she wiggled her eyebrows. Jace and I had decided to keep the 'relationship' on the down low and this didn't help, luckily no questions were asked. I followed Ella up the stairs to Skyler's bedroom. I opened the door slowly and saw her cacooned in blankets like I was not long before now. "Hey" I say softly as I sit next to her. I think she says hi back but it just sounds like mumbling. "Skyler I promise it'll get better, I was here a couple days ago and now I'm better than ever!" I state trying to cheer her up. "Who made you go all cacoon?" Jace asks all of a sudden, oh gosh he's stupid. I glance back at him accusingly and he looks down to avoid my gaze.

I return back to Skyler who suddenly perks up. "Olivia who's in my room?!", oh right that. "Jace" I say more like a question than an answer. "Olivia! Get him out!" this is going great.

I show Jace to the door and give him a quick hug before he leaves. "Bye babe" he says, "don't call me that!". He snickers before leaving and I mock laugh.


I walk back upstairs after getting a drink to a now fully dressed Skyler. "We're going to the park for some fresh air. Oh and the book conventions there today!" Ella states and I'm more than happy to see Skyler less mopey. The book convention is where authors of different books gather for a meet and greet and book signing. I smile and nod. We head out the door with our arms linked and head to the park.

The first thing we do when we get there is get Tim Hortons. I get an iced capp along with Ella and Skyler gets a frozen lemonade. We then head to see what books are there. I see a book I wanted to read called Loki's wolves so we all buy a copy and head over to meet the author and get it signed. We took a quick picture with her and go to sit on the grass where we see Rae. Ella heads over to Aron who I guess said he'd meet her there.

"Oh he's cute!" Rae says when we reach her, pointing to a guy in a red sweat shirt. He was pretty cute with hazel eyes and a 2007 Justin beiber hair cut (it looked good on him). He walked by us and I felt my cheeks flush when Rae screamed "she loves you" while pointing to me. Instead of the reaction I was expecting; laughter, he smiles and waves while blushing. I wave back with my lips pressed into a straight line. Well that was nice of him but I'm taken. "We'll I'll see you girls later but we're going to go get some food right now" he says politely before leaving.

"Oh my gosh! You two are perfect!" Rae states. What? "Rae we've only known each other for a minute!" I argue back. "Oh, you should totally ask him to hang out!" Skyler says. Oh no! Jace is not going to be happy about this. "Come on, let's go find him!" Rae and Skyler say. Think, think! What can I do? What can I do? Oh got it! "Wait I just need to use the bathroom guys!" I say heading to the small building containing a food court and the washrooms. I run into the women's washroom, grab my phone and dial up Jace. "Meet me in the food court ASAP" I say as I hang up.

In no less than ten minutes Jace is there. I run over to him and he engulfs me in a big bear hug. I pull away first and look up into his blue eyes which are filled with worry. What a softie I think as a smirk grows on my face. "What?" he asks with his eyebrows furrowing. I laugh a little at his concern, "nothing, I'll tell you later" I state before bringing up the matter as to why he's actually here. "So, Skyler and Rae are trying to set me up with someone and I think maybe we should at least tell them" I quickly spit out. He starts smiling so big it looks like it hurts his jaw. Not it's my turn to question him. "What?" I say while breaking out into a smile myself. "Someone can finally know!" he says excitedly. He takes my hand and guides me outside where my friends are waiting.

They stare at our interlinked fingers with their mouths hanging open. "Might want to close those, you'll catch flies" says Jace. Just then Ella and Aron show up. Ella looks shocked but Aron decides to be a smart ass, "she just had a headache eh?". I can feel Jace's hand tighten on mine and squeeze back so he knows not to get worked up. Luckily it works. "So, ummm... me and Jace are dating now" I say as my voice gets higher with each word. Curse my socially awkward self. Finally someone breaks the silence, "well that's great and all but we're having a girls day so scoot" Ella says pushing both boys away. I giggle and give Jace the ok to leave.

~a few hours later~

Us four girls have been going around to random people and saying things like "I've missed you so much" as a joke and it was going fine until this one smart ass decides to be "funny" and whisper to his friends "they want us" hint hint nudge nudge. "Um ya I kind of have a boyfriend so thanks but no thanks" I say as matter-of-factedly as I can. "Haha anyone would cheat for him" one of his friends say pointing to the smart mouth. I decide to ignore them but as they walk away I turn back around, "oh and by the way he's not your mother duck, stop following him around like little ducklings" I shout over the crowd. They look back shocked at my comment, the smart mouth smirking. They all start walking towards us and soon enough a crowd has gathered. "Hey, we're not fighting" Skyler states and we push past the crowd.

We didn't see them for a while, "I think they're gone" Rae says a bit too early. No more than five minutes later the gang of boys are back. Us four girls were standing on a long wooden bridge that stretched above the small canal. The boys look around and we try to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to draw attention to ourselves. We were doing great until a group of bleach blondes walk by laughing to themselves obnoxiously. One of the boys head snaps up towards us. "There they are" he shouts while pointing up at us. "Come on let's go get them!" another one screams, surprisingly the smart ass leads them away sheepishly. Well that was weird.

The girls and I turn around to leave but bump in to none other than Jace, Aron and Daniel (Rae's boyfriend). Oh, so that's why they left! I laugh to myself as I think of how sissy those guys were.

The rest of the evening was really nice. We went to a movie together and after the others left, me and Jace got ice cream from Dairy Queen.

We walked home together and were greeted by my mother. "Olivia get dressed we're going out for dinner" she says. I look back at Jace who's looking around. "What?" I ask curiously. He waits a minute before giving me a quick kiss on the head. I get butterflies all over. Jace, you are perfect, I say to myself. I hug him tightly before he heads home. We stay like that for a while, not wanting the moment to end. He was so warm. I pull away when my mom comes back outside and he starts down the road. "Text me" he calls back before turning the corner.


Thank you so much for 1100+

I luv u guys so much and thought u should kno that. I started out with a goal of one hundred and now I'm pass 1000. That's amazing and I wouldn't hav been here without u!

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