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When I got home that night I laid down on my warm, comforting bed and thought about how twisted my day had been.

For one, Jace was dating my arch enemy Crystal. After going out to dinner with him, watching a movie with him, going to the park, walking to school, inviting me to spring fling, offering me to stay at his place, everything; he betrayed me. It's not like he didn't know she tortured me. She made it a public event when it came to humiliating me. She always made a scene and he'd always seen.

Thinking about that only made me think about crystal. Why did she even hate me? What did I do? I moved here 4 years ago in sixth grade and she seemed pretty nice. Later on she started blocking me out of her little group. I thought it was because they had already made they're friendships and didn't need anyone else; but then she started making fun of me. I made a few friends in grade seven and eight. I felt bad for them because she made their lives hell for hanging out with me. They stood up for me though and I thought her tormenting had finally stopped or at least died down when high school started. But she re-started; half way through the year she made sure she one-upped me on everything and now this. She was the reason I started karate, and the reason for me staring up at my ceiling fan spinning right now. I started feeling dizzy but I didn't know if it was from the fan or all the thoughts buzzing through my mind. I wish I could freeze time, freeze the pain and the thoughts and just everything!

I groaned in frustration. "Why me?!" I muttered to myself before burying my face in my pillow.

I heard my phone go off and saw the texts were from Jace. He actually has the nerve to text me right now! I opened the conversation out of curiosity.

Jace : hey :)

Jace : u(you) there?

Jace : y(why) are u(you) ignoring me?

Jace : :(

I scrolled through the texts and shut my phone off as I felt tears building in my eyes again. I closed my heavy eyelids and tried to think of the good things in life.


I walked down the hall of school. "Olivia! Olivia!" Jace was running frantically through the halls chasing me, causing some looks. This must've looked bizarre; one of the most popular guys in school chasing a nerdy looking fresh-man, who couldn't care less.

I continued ignoring him, keeping my walking pace steady, and trying not to bolt so I wouldn't ever have to face him. " why... Are you... Ignoring... Me?" he asked panting and out of breath. I ignored him, "please.... Olivia... What did... I do?" he pressed on. I reached my locker without speaking a word to him and opened it. I grabbed my books only to have them knocked over by Crystal, on purpose of course. Her emerald green eyes pierced into mine and I felt myself tense up. I think she saw it too because she started snickering. "Oh no! Little miss feisty dropped her books. Maybe one of your bitchy friends can help pick them up. Or wait, would that hurt your ego?" she beamed in fake horror. Little miss feisty? Where'd that come from? She grabbed Jace's hand and handed him her books, she grinned evilly and pulled him away. What a bitch. Before they met the end of the hall Jace turned around. I searched his face for an expression until I found one, sadly not the guilt or realization I'd wanted, but he looked rather puzzled.

I hadn't realized I had my mouth hanging open until I heard someone telling me to 'close it or I'll catch flies'. He lifted my jaw so my mouth wasn't hanging open but I swatted his arm away. He bent down and grabbed my books off the floor, I finally realized I was talking to Jake when he asked me about the text. I decided to play dumb for now. "Oh sorry my phone died, I didn't get a text" I lied, my voice barely audible. "Oh ok well tell me when you read it" he says handing me my books and walked away with a wink. My mouth hung open again. I pulled my black hoodie over my head and floated to class.

Finally someone I could tolerate came over to me. Ella, Leah and Rae came running up to me beaming. "Why are you so happy?" I asked the three smiling girls before me. "We just got our play parts!" they stated happily. I ran over to where the roles were posted. Surely enough Ella and Rae were singers and Leah was a dancer. I searched for my name. I was in a quartet with Rae, Charlie and... No! This can't be happening! I am not working with Crystal. Surely enough though her name was written there 'Crystal - leader of the quartet'. Could I not have at least one decent day?!

I remembered a small corner I had once hid in during a trip to high school, when I was in kindergarten. I was scared of the older kids and had his in a tiny hallway only about 5ft long and 3ft wide. I ran to the gym where the hall was outside the door and just barely squeezed my self in. I slid against the wall until I was sitting my back against the cool marble. I sat there, I didn't cry but I sat the and stared at the wall. I took out a sharpie from my bag and wrote as small as I could 'evil always wins' then I put my head in between my knees and just sat there for a while.


U seize to amaze me at the amount of views I can get! I'm at 391 and honestly in the beginning my goal was a hundred!

So thank u all! Keep reading, vote, comment, spread the word.

Luv ya <3

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