Chapter 2

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Billie Joe's P.O.V

I woke up again in my shitty bed. Yay. Another day at college. Oh shit. I have to sit and show that dude around. What's his name? Tré? Yeah. Think so. Anyway as always I got out of bed, got dressed and grabbed my stuff. I stared at myself in the mirror. Should I style my hair? Nah. I'll just leave it as usual. I ran downstairs and saw my mum in the kitchen. "Hey mum" "Heya kiddo. Your lunch is on the table and so is your breakfast" "Cheers" "You're welcome" my mum replied, kissed my forehead and walked out of the kitchen. I quickly ate my breakfast and shoved my lunch into my bag. "MA I'M OF NOW!" I shouted as I walked to the front door. "ALRIGHT LOVE HAVE A GOOD DAY BYE" she shouted back as I walked out. Have a good day. Yeah right. Probably have Jason Freese onto me and that Tré dude probably won't leave me alone. I soon arrived at the college and I walked past the car park again. And he was staring at me. I took a glance. As soon as I fucking acknowledge him he starts running after me. I vaguely heard his voice shout my name. Great. I started speed walking but that failed. I guess he's too fast. "Hey Billie Joe". I didn't reply. "What do we have first?" He asked. As usual I didn't reply. I heard him sigh. Well don't try and talk to me if I'm not going to reply. He stayed with me though. I walked with him to Music. Its sort of nice to have company but I'm not a person who has friends and thats how its always been. I can't change it now. "Do you play any instruments?" Tré asked as we walked into the practice room. I picked up an electric guitar. What is it with him and questions? "Oh you play guitar?". I nodded my head in response. "Cool. I play drums. Like a boss y'know" he chuckled. Whatever mate. I strummed a few chords until twatface decided to start playing the drums. I stared at him. I think it was clear I was pissed so he automatically stopped. I'm stuck with this idiot. "Uh. Do you want to hang out after school?" "No" "Did you just speak?" "Yeah cause you're pissing me off. I don't want to be your friend. Get that in your thick brain of yours" I snapped. I saw him frown and stare down at his feet. Great one Billie.

Tré's P.O.V

I'm trying to be friendly and he treats me like shit. What the fuck is his problem? I got out a comic and started reading it. He'll probably start whining if I play the drums again. He's actually quite good. I was watching him play. I don't recognise the tune. Maybe he made it up? His lips was moving while he was playing. As if he was mouthing the words. Which I think he was. I'm quite good at lip reading you see.

These handcuffs are too tight,
Well, you know I will obey,
So please don't make me beg,
For blood, sex and booze you give me,
Say I'm disturbed, it's what I deserve.

Thats all I could get until he stopped. "Do you mind staring at me?" He snapped. "Sorry I. I couldn't help but notice you were sort of mouthing words". I saw his facial expression change. As of he's seen a ghost. "Could you make out what I was saying?" He asked. "Yeah. From the handcuffs to what you deserved" "Oh." We both sat here awkward. Not doing anything apart from breathing. "Tré?" "Yeah?" "I'll hang out with you after school if you want" "Yeah alright". He wants to hang out with me? Oh my god. Yes!

Billie Joe's P.O.V

I can't believe I just said that. Fucking dumbass. It can't be that bad can it? It could end up being awesome. We didn't really say anything after that. We just kind of got on with it. I showed him a few songs. I just played and sung while he made up a rhythm on the drums. I watched his face while he played. He makes weird faces.. But his muscles. Damn. I stared for a bit but then he coughed which dragged me out of my thoughts. "The bell's gone" He stated. I nodded my head. I put the guitar away and turned around to find Tré standing way too close. He passed me my bag. "Cheers and Tré do you know what personal space is? Back the fuck up" "Oh sorry" He replied and took a step back. "Its alright. Lets go to geography" I said and walked out the room. He followed me. We just got on with our day as usual. I spoke a little bit. I used to think he's annoying because he has too much energy and is too hyper but it sort of grows on you.

Time skip to after school

Tré's P.O.V

We were walking to my car. "Billie you can choose what we do since I don't know about anything around here" "Uh. Alright".


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