chapter 5

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Billie Joe's P.O.V

I was waiting in my front room staring out the window for Tré. I was actually ready earlier than usual for once. I saw a car pull up and got a text shortly after

Hey Billie Joe. I'm outside just come out when you're ready.

Coming out now. Dipshit

Oh wow. Cheers.

I walked out and got in the car. I felt the tension between us. I'm hoping it goes away because I can't exactly run away from him. I'm stuck with him all through school. "So uhhhh. How was hanging out with me yesterday?" "Yeah Tré. I had fun. It was cool to go out for once" "Okay. Glad you had fun". We arrived at school. I went to go open the door but Tré stopped me. "Wait, please" "Yeah whats up?" "I know you feel it too" "Feel what?" "The tension. I know it bothers you. The fact that I kissed you really bothers you". I looked down at my hands. Its not the kiss that bothers me. Its the fact that I liked it. Is that normal? "Billie Joe. Please answer me". I thought for a second. "Its just when you kissed me.. I enjoyed it". I saw his eyes lighten up. I leaned in and kissed him. You know just to try it out. We made out a little until I pulled away. "We better go to tutor" "Or.. We could ditch" "We could. But I'd get my ass beaten by my step dad so I'd rather not" "Come on Billie Joe. If it helps you can stay over mine tonight" "Yeah guess I could" "Yes Billie Joe. We're going to have a rave" "Haha. Yeah no" "You're no fun" "Yeah whatever". Tré started up the engine and zoomed off over to his place. I'm the son of rage and love, The Jesus of surburbia. Oh. Thats a nice tune. "Helloooooo earth to Billie Joe. We're here" "Oh shit sorry yeah". We both got out the car and walked into his. We walked to the front room and he threw his keys down.  We both flopped down onto the couch. "So.. In the car.. What was that about?". For fuck sake. I should've known he was going to ask about it. "Just to see if I really liked it. Tré. I don't think me and you will be a thing. Its just lust Tré". Could I have put that in a harsher way? "Yeah yeah. Totally. Just lust..". I'm such a dickhead. "I'm going to go get a beer. Do you want one?" "Please". I watched him as he walked out. I could've put it in a nicer way. He walked in. You could clearly see that he was upset about what I said. "Look Tré I-" I was interrupted by a knock at the door. Tré went and answered it

Tré's P.O.V

I swung open the door. "Sara? What are you doing here?" "Oh nice to see you too Tré" "Uh come on in". I moved out the way so she could come in and followed her into the front room. I saw Billie Joe look up and panic swept over his face. I went and sat down. "Its alright Billie Joe. Shes my ex, just be yourself. Try not to panic alright? I'm always here just squeeze my hand if you feel like you're about to have a panic attack" I whispered to him. He nodded his head in response. "So uh Sara this is Billie Joe, Billie Joe this is Sara". Sara walked over to Billie Joe and shook his hand. She walked over and sat next to me, resting her hand on my thigh. "So uh Tré. Miss me?". Oh god. She's trying to flirt with me. "Uh yeah. In a friend way though". She scoffed. "I know you still want me" she whispered in my ear. "Yeah excuse us, I need to talk to Billie Joe outside" I said and dragged Billie Joe outside. "What the fuck is all that about Tré?" "She's trying to flirt with me. Saying that apparently I still want her" "Well do you? Cause last time I checked you were in love with me" "What of course not! Are you jealous?". I saw him lower his head and stare at the floor. "Hey. Billie Joe its alright" I said softly, lifting him head up. "Do me a favour and pretend to be my boyfriend. Please. Otherwise she won't leave me alone" "Yeah alright" "Yes! Cheers Billo" I replied and hugged him. He didn't hug me back at first but when he finally did I felt safe. I know it sounds stupid but oh well. We both walked back inside and sat back down on the couch. Sara kept rubbing my thigh. "Okay yeah Sara stop. I've got a boyfriend" "Haha yeah okay. You're straight" "No I'm not. I'm bisexual. You should know that" "Fine. Alright. Who's your boyfriend then?" "Billie Joe" "You serious?" "About as serious as in bed with him" "Bullshit. Prove it". I looked at Billie Joe. We both had panic showing in our faces. I leaned in and kissed him. He lingered. Oh my god. Okay stay calm. "Alright Tré. Well I've gotta go bye" "Bye". We both sat awkwardly. "So uh. Guess I'm your boyfriend Tré.."

This was so shit. Sorryyyyyy

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