Chapter 9

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Billie's P.O.V

I woke up and saw Tré getting ready. To be honest with you I didn't look away. He is just so hot. "I see you watching" He chuckled. I blushed rapidly. "I. Uh. Well. I couldn't help it?" "Yeah okay Billie. Very convincing.". He walked over to me and connected our lips. I pulled him onto the bed so he was on top of me. "Billie I just got ready. C'mon" "I'll dress you afterwards" I replied with a cheeky smile. He smirked and kissed me again. "How can I ever say no to you" He murmured against my neck. He trailed kisses all down my neck. "Shit!" He exclaimed. "What?" I asked, clearly quite worried. "I nearly forgot about a surprise I have for you. Get dressed" He replied as he got off the bed. "Ghee Tré. Sure do know how to scare your boyfriend" I said just after I got my trousers on. He came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Did you say boyfriend?" He asked. "Yeah that is what I think we are. Unless you don't want too which I'm totally fine with" "No no. I'm so fine with that" He whispered into my ear. I coughed a little. "So uh. That surprise still on?" I asked. "Yeah. I'll let you get ready this time" He lightly chuckled. He unwrapped his arms from my waist and I put my shirt on. "Alright ready" I said. He smiled and grabbed my wrist.

We went for a drive. I don't know where he's taking me, as usual. "Tré. Where are we goingggggg?" I whined. "You'll see when we get there" I sort of chuckled.

We were driving for quite a while until we got to our destination. A club. I smirked and parked the car. "W-why are we at a club?" Billie said. "I thought it could be fun. Y'know have a little dance. As if we're at prom. But more sluttier" I chuckled. He rolled his eyes and got out the car.

We walked into the club and there was flashing lights everywhere. I saw girls stop what they're doing for a second just to check me and Billie out. I got a hold of Billie's hand and kissed his cheek."Why don't we got to the bar?" I asked. He nodded in response.

We were sat at the bar, chatting and downing a few shots. A couple of girls walked up to us. "Hey. We couldn't help but come over. Both of you are really cute". Billie and I exchanged glances and burst into laughter. "Whats so funny?" A dumb blonde retorted. I coughed a little and changed my voice to a high pitch one. "Well first of all those shoes does not go with that slutty dress. Mhm no sister. And me and macho man over here are gay as a rainbow" I just whilst clicking my fingers. Her face dropped. They both walked away. "Dude that was hilarious" Billie said in between breathes due to so much laughter. "Lets go dance" I said with a smile.

We just got up on the dancefloor and I was dancing but Billie wasn't. He seemed to be.. Out of it? "Billie are you alright?" I asked. He didn't reply. I saw tha his breathes were quickening. I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the club. "Billie. Are you okay? Its alright" "I-It was t-too crowded" He choked out. I hugged him tightly. "Its alright I'm here" I whispered.

We pushed through the door to our bedroom, ripping each others shirts off in the process. I led him to the bed and climbed on top of him. I sucked at the skin on his neck. "Tré" I heard him moan out.




I woke up o my sister screaming at me. What the fuck? That was all a dream? Me and Billie being together. I sighed and got out of bed. "You can fuck off now" I growled. "Jesus. Someone had a bad dream" She cooed and walked out of my room. I got ready and put my snapback on backwards to disguise my messy hair. I ran downstairs and checked my phone. 27th March 2018. I've been at the school for 2 years now? I was in a deep sleep. Well. I guess its just another school day..

I feel like this was shit. But I have to torment you guys so you'll see what will happen next soon. You really think that they're just going to be in love just like that? I don't think so 😂

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