Chapter 3

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Billie Joe's P.O.V

I couldn't think of anything so he just took me to his house. He assures me no one's in because he knows how shitty I am with people and apparently if his parents saw me they'd probably wouldn't stop talking. "So uh yeah. This is my place" Tré said as he parked his car. He got out and ran over to my side. Whats he doing? He opened the door and gestured me to get out. "Oh. T-thanks Tré" I said, blushing slightly. "Its alright" He replied with that stupid, big, lopsided grin he always has. I smiled a small smile back and followed him into his house. It was alright. Of course there were drumsticks everywhere. "Hehe yeah. Sorry about the drumsticks. My uh, siblings get very annoying". I sniggered. "Yeah I know that feeling". We both walked to the front room and sat down on the sofa. I felt so awkward. I don't really go out. Let alone go other people's houses. "Hey Billie its alright" Tré spoke softly and put his hand on my knee. It was that obvious? Jesus. "Thanks Tré". It calmed me down. Weird. "Netflix and chill?" Tré asked wiggling his eyebrows. I couldn't help but laugh at that. "Depends" "On what BeeJ?" "You have munch?" "Yeah" "Then damn right we'll Netflix and chill". He ran into the kitchen whilst I looked on Netflix. I might put on Supernatural but he might fun of me. Every time I watch it I always like I dunno freak out. The love between Cas and Dean is just unreal. It needs to happen. Tré's funny though. He makes me laugh. Oh speaking of the devil he comes in with fuck loads of food. "Here we go" Tré said as he pushed all the magazines of the coffee table and threw down all the food. I smiled at that. He flopped down next to me. "So what we watching?" "I was thinking Supernatural but I dunno" "ARE YOU KIDDING? I LOVE SUPERNATURAL". He scared me. I decided to put it on from season 4. My favourite season because Cas comes into it. He's such a cutie. I grabbed a bag of M&M's Crispy and ripped it open. My favourite mmm. I ate a few. Tré stole some, little bastard. I put my hand in the bag to grab a few and so did Tré. I couldn't stop myself from blushing. He's a nice lad but I'm not gay. I looked from our hands and up to him. He was smiling. Why is he always smiling? His smile is so cute though.

Tré's P.O.V

I've got butterflies in my stomach right now. I would be lying if I said I didn't fall in love with him the second I saw him. Yeah he was a dick to me but I kinda like that. He doesn't need to know though. Right? We're just staring at each other. I've never noticed how green his eyes are. Emerald green. How the light shines on them. "Huh sorry" Billie Joe murmured and took his hand out. "Its alright" I said, smiling and took my hand out once I got some. He went to grab the bag. "Wait no hold on" I quickly said. "What?" He replied with a frightened look on his face. "Let me feed you some" I giggled. "Uh.." "Come Billie Joe. You don't need to be afraid of me. Think of me like I'm a big cuddly teddy bear because I basically am" "Yeah.. Okay". I watched him open his mouth. I couldn't control my laughter as I placed one on his tongue. He closed his mouth and ate it. "Yeah alright Tré just give me the bag you bastard" He joked as he took the bag. Some how I ended up closer to him. I don't think he minds though. I hope he doesn't. "Hey Tré. Got anything else we can do?" "Actually yeah" I said, wiggling my eyebrows. "Oh wow Tré" "What? I thought we could've gone to my bedroom and practice music. Theres a few guitars in there and I've got a set of drums" "Oh cool. Yeah we can do that". Yessss. I picked him up from the couch and quickly ran upstairs. I placed him down on my seat for my drums. "What you doing? I usually play the guitar" "I was thinking we could switch" "Oh alright". I picked up the guitar. To tell you the truth I can't play it. I only got one to impress my ex Sara and make her think I could play guitar. I know a few chords but that won't do. Oh god. He'll know. Will he take the piss out of me? "Are you okay Tré?" "Yeah I'm fine. Lets get started". He done a few beats and then I tried starting. As I thought straight away it messed up. "Can you even play the guitar?" "Yeah Billie Joe I can just.. Shut up". I felt myself go red due to embarrassment. "Here let me show you" Billie Joe replied as he walked over to me. I felt his presence behind me. "Right so put your finger here" He said as he reached over to my left hand and put it into position. "There you. Thats called a D chord. Try strumming". I have the strumming down no problem. For a few minutes he taught me a few chords. Sometimes I asked questions just so he could talk. Feeling his warm breathe against my neck. "Yeah see. You're getting the hang of it" "Yeah. Yeah I am". I put the guitar down. "What you doing?" Billie Joe asked. I walked over to my bed and sat down. He followed me, sitting quite close to me. "Are you alright Tré?" "Look Billie Joe. I know we've only known each other a few days. But.." I tried to continue but my voice failed me. "But what?" "I think I might be.. In. In love with you Billie Joe.."

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