Lauren to Camila

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I would love to go on a date with you, I don't need to think twice about it, I need this date and I don't care who sees. You deserve the world and if you feel I'm the person to give you it then of course I'll give us a try. Camz we got caught kissing, I think it's time to at least go on a date.

You have always been special to me, even in the first auditions when you said you liked my shirt, you were special to me. Whenever works for you is fine with me, take your time though. This time apart has absolutely killed me but I think we both needed it, it showed us that we are each other's gravity, we'll always come back to each other.

Camz, I hope you know we're not trying to pressure you into coming back, you deserve happiness and we'll fully understand if the band can't give you that. We just miss having you around 24/7, your jokes aren't there to make us laugh, your hi-five isn't there to be ignored, your voice isn't there to make us special.

I'm sorry this ended up being like a guilt letter but it isn't meant to be. Don't feel guilty for trying to make us both happy because at least one of us got half lucky. I love seeing you with a smile on your face, you've had one a lot recently. We're so proud of you for all the things you've accomplished already in your career, me especially! You don't even have the album out yet and you're already smashing it!

I love you baby Camz!
Love forever
Your Lolo xxxxxx

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